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Showing posts from 2013

Christmas is Almost Here and You are Broke!

Don't be a scrooge, be fruge. Here are Five Fun and Frugal ways to keep the spirit of Christmas alive: 1.  Gift giving can put a huge bent in your wallet so do: SECRET SANTA or AGE LIMIT gifting and buy QUALITY over quantity. 2.  Christmas Dinner:  In our family, we do a POT-LUCK style Christmas dinner every year, this way one family is not burdened with preparing meals and the huge cost that goes with it. 3.  DIY Art & Craft: Back in the olden days our fore-parents used to make gifts out of crotchet and knitting and even home-made rag-dolls and train toys. This is a great way to save money, spend QUALITY time with love ones, and teach the kids the art of creativity. 4.  Entertainment: So you don't have money for big box entertainment, let the kids sing carols before and after dinner and do recitals; do a family photo shoot - a fave in our family, and then share them with friend on face book; let the tech savvy in the family do a Christmas CD from...

Don't Shrink, Grow!

These days it is so easy to get caught up with social media frenzy and hype and just the general perception that other people might be doing better than you. But what can you do to cure this insidious bug? You need tools to fight off these symptoms like a doctor needs flu shots in his medicine bag.

21 Ways Rich People Think Differently...WOW!!!

“[The middle class] tells people to be happy with what they have,” he said. “And on the whole, most people are steeped in fear when it comes to money. —Steve Siebold, author of ‘How Rich People Think’ I was appalled by the audacity taken in this post -  21-ways-rich-people-think-differently¹ . When I saw the post came across my Facebook feed, I was immediately intrigued and went on to read it. But after quickly scanning through it, I responded to it without hesitation. Here is what I wrote: Crap!! Rich people did not get rich being rich. This is an insult to injury...go back to the drawing board with this. Different doesn't equal right. Rich doesn't equal right. Rich and poor all have money problems. Guilt of having too much and guilt of not having enough. Then we have those who are content with what they have...not everyone sit around dreaming of how to get filthy rich. You may have more money than me, but [I] could be richer than you in sooooo many ways. Don't be f...

How To Be Great At Being You

As humans, we wear so many different hats or masks that it is hard to distinguish which one we are operating from at times.  I am not talking about the roles we play so much as the personalities we play.  The thing with switching hats sometimes is that they often masquerade or show up as somebody else or multiple characters.  "Who are you?", "Who was that?",  or "I don’t even know that person anymore" are often some of the phrases we hear or use of people we thought we once knew. Let’s look at some of the various hats (or masks) we often wear:

Cut Toxic, Negative People out of Our Lives

Did you know that everything in life requires a positive and a negative energy before it can have balance? It is the friction of the two that ignites that brings about change,

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein - The man was a Genius

Note: This list of Einstein quotes was being forwarded around the Internet in e-mail, so I decided to put it on my web page. I'm afraid I can't vouch for its authenticity, tell you where it came from, who compiled the list, who Kevin Harris is, or anything like that. Still, the quotes are interesting and enlightening. Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." "Imagination is more important than knowledge." "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details." "The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." "The only real valuable thing is intuition." "A person starts to live when he can l...


In a world of shared history, the echoes of 9/11 resonate as a poignant reminder of modern-day tragedies, the fragility of life and the enduring spirit of peace. As we revisit the solemn assault of September 9, 2001, when New York City (and the world) was forever changed, let us not merely dwell on the darkness of the hijacked twin towers, but actively cultivate the light within ourselves—the unwavering beacon of peace. In a society tainted by the shadows of evil, we hold the power to safeguard our hearts and minds. The key is to deliberately and unapologetically invite peace within. With that, I encourage you to consider these transformative steps:

Three Reasons Why Happiness Is Over-Rate and Why I am Not a Happy Person

Disclaimer: I am not a happy girl. Never has been nor will I ever be. There, I said it. Speak the truth and the truth shall set you free. I know myself and I am perfectly fine being who I am. Phew! Now that that is out of the way, I don't have to pretend to be something I am not. Let me explain why I make such a strong and seemingly negative statement about myself. In my experience, most "happy people" behave in mean-spirited ways and go around throwing out labels such as happy, negative, positive, pessimist and optimist. I swear, I am going to find a way to replace such seemingly harmless yet demeaning and derogatory terms for describing people. Like Margaret Thatcher once said: Power is like being a lady, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't. So if you have to act like you are happy, positive or optimistic, are you really? My philosophy is that people should never let them selves look good or feel better at the expense of another. Yo...

Three Reasons People Struggle to Attain Success

What is Success? The Universal definition of the word itself is: 'The accomplishment of an aim or purpose." The reasons most people struggle to become successful is because they do not have an aim or purpose.  They want the results or the benefits of the aim without the aim itself.  You see, if you go about throwing a ball in the air without aiming at the net, by chance it may fall through the net. But nine times out of ten, I guarantee you; it will not even come close to the net, let alone falling through it. Too many of us go about life aimlessly living our lives by chance. Even the Bible tells us that by the sweat of our brow we shall eat bread. Meaning, one must do something purposefully, to get what they want in life. Without further ado, here are the three reasons people struggle so much to get success:

Six Things To Do To Get People To Instantly Like You

Some people are going to like you and some people aren’t, that’s just a part of life.  They may have very strong and valid reasons not to and then they may not have any apparent reason at all.  Given the facts of life, we must then set ourselves up to be more in favor of being liked than not liked.  I know a lot of you will say I don’t care if people like me or not, but the fact is you do, whether or not you want to admit it.  It is a God given right to be liked, so why wouldn’t you care? Unless; of course, you don’t believe in God—which is a completely different story.  So for those of you who do care, and those who don’t want to admit it, I want you to pay close attention to what I have to say.  Here we go:

Life over Trend - Justice for Trayvon!

Dear members of the Black community, With the utmost respect for the principles of #Individualism, it is imperative that we impart a valuable lesson to our children – the importance of dressing not only for success but for life, and for their seamless integration into society. When we embrace this principle, we take a significant stride toward securing a brighter future. Our primary objective is to safeguard lives, transcending fleeting trends, and diminishing the risks associated with encounters with racially biased law enforcement. In this endeavour, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the profound message that lies at the heart of our cause. We advocate for a profound shift, a complete transformation in the way we prepare our sons for the world. Let us clothe them in suits and instill in them the readiness for a future where change is not just a possibility but an inevitability. This transformation represents our dedication to a more promising tomorrow, one marked by progre...

10 Expert Tips for Getting a Raise or Promotion

So, you have been in your current job now for some time and believe you have proven yourself. Do you think it’s time you get a raise or that highly sought after promotion? Well here are 10 tips straight from the experts on how to obtain that goal. 1.   Do Your Research Knowing what you are worth is the key to

The 5 Secrets to Success and Wealth: According to Earl Nightingale, Law of Attraction

Earl Nightingale  was an American motivational speaker and author, known as the "Dean of Personal Development." He was the voice in the early 1950s of Sky King, the hero of a radio adventure series, and was a WGN radio show host from 1950 to 1956 Success and goals are virtually synonymous. In order to be successful, we must set goals; but setting goals requires some degree of thinking. This is where the problem comes in, because people in general just don't think—and if and when they do—they don't think right. Their thoughts are filled with the negativity of stress and consumed with worry and blame. However; worrying and blaming

"The Perfect Pitch": Ten Things I learned from Steel

I am working on this project and have to go before a panel of people to present my idea; so my daughter suggested I read one of her books on how to "pitch".  Being an avid reader, I proceeded to read   Perfect pitch: the art of selling ideas and winning new business ,  written by Jon Steel - John Wiley& Sons - 2007 . After reading it, I found I learnt some valuable lessons and decided to share my condensed version. Basically, he states that the point of a presentation is to get you from point A to point B—where you are now to where you want to be. Once you have decided to do the presentation, it is no longer about what you want—if you really want what you want. From this point on, it is all about what the decision makers wants.  You have to think: a) WHY  do they want to hear from you, see you, or should be interested in anything that you have to say or do; and b) WHAT do they want to see and/or hear. So hear are the 10 things I learned:

Six Reasons Why People Unfollow on Twitter

Well I am no twitter expert, but I am very observant and free-thinkg. And for those two reasons, I decided to share my thoughts with you on the subject matter. So recently I noticed that I had a few unfollow or no follow backs on twitter—I have a very small platform to begin with so I kind of notice these things‚ maybe they are just more obvious when you have such a small platform—I don't know.  Anyhow, I decided to check out who unfollow me on Manage Filter —my little twitter helper. While I was doing that, I got to thinking why do people unfollow or not follow back? So here are the top six reasons I came up with:

Seven Remedies for a Broke-Ass Pocket

Without getting into any deep stuff, let me cut straight to the

Stuck In A Rut: How I Got Unstuck, True Confession

For years I worked for a company where it seemed people were indifferent towards me, stood up for me or had my back.  I started on the night shift (10:30 pm to 7:00 am).  A single mother with two little girls, a brand new house, and a car.  Needless to say, I had some huge responsibilities—so of course, I needed my job. If you can relate, read on... To begin with It did not pay so well, but it came with a much-needed benefits package—thank goodness! Lord! Much as working an overnight shift was challenging, I didn't mind it so much. I got to be home for my children when they got home from school and spend quality time with them. I also get to sleep all day—when I was not running frantically paying bills, and worrying about making ends meet. Regardless, I was living my dreams—and was proud of myself—I did it and did it all on my own. How I did I do it? Only God knows. This is why I say with certainty that God is my refuge and strength and if you put your mind to a...

The Pursuit of a Balanced Life

Everyone wants it...Only a few will get it! The password to a balanced life is GOALS.  Goals help us give meaning and directions to our lives. They help us ensure that we live by purpose and not by chance or accident.   When all the different aspects of our lives are in harmony, we are

The 3 Tests of a True Leader

One must first learn to Follow before they can Lead. We as a society have to start accepting the fact that not everybody was meant to be a leader and let the followers be content in their roles as followers. In this 21 th  century that we live in, everybody wants to be leaders and are even criticized if we don’t show leadership characteristics.  But my question is, if we all want to lead, who is going to follow?

What is Everything?

Some people say perception is everything —but let 's just toy with that idea for just a minute. Trying to pretend or believe that perception does not matter may help you feel better about yourself, but it sure won’t change the way others perceive you, nor their actions towards you as a result. So sure, perception is a big deal, but it is certainly not everything.  Not even the truth is everything. So then, if perception is not everything and the truth is not everything? What is everything?? Nothing.  Nothing is everything; to tell the truth. Ironic, eh?! Let’s test this theory….Pff!! Nothing?! What a load of crap? What’s that…? Nothing. Alright, you got me, explain... Here we go: Nothing is everything because everything is nothing.  What the what? Let’s break it down a bit here:   The air, the universe, the clouds, --God! Human? Are all nothing. I bet most of you are ready to throw stones at me now…what are you talking a...


Personally, I take offence to the term "Negative Attitude and/or People." A lot of people love to throw terms and labels around that they themselves don't even understand or get.  We can not go around arbitrarily labelling others with negative terms.  Words are powerful.  We must be mindful of the effects they have on others and the consequences.  Pff! "Negative attitude" and "negative people"... who are we to judge?  Don't they realize that by calling someone negative, they are guilty of negativity ? Labelling someone else with such "negative" terms makes you that which you have labelled or accused the person of? 

Relaxation Technique to Help Manage Stress, Anxiety and Anger

Feeling off-centred and knocked off your feet?  Meditation can draw you closer to God and help to grow you spiritually. Just the act of being still and sitting in solitude can literally change your life.  As you sit and meditate, bring your attention and awareness to your breathing, your mantra or your mental picture.


Seven Simple Rules and the Four Key Players Success is the monopoly of life. Why you may ask? Because life is a virtual game. If you know and understand the rules and have key players on your side, you will succeed. That is, if you want it bad enough. In the Game Of Life there are seven simple and easy to follow rules and without further ado, here they are:

When a New Boss is Assigned a Dysfunctional Team: 5 Building Blocks of a Successful Leader

Dysfunctional :   Not operating normally;  Bad or poor social behaviour or judgment Team :   A group of people linked together for a common goal or purpose Now that we understand the meaning of these two crucial words, let's move on. Collaborating in a team can be daunting and frustrating,  to say the least, yet it is something we all must do and is virtually inescapable. Let's face it, everything we do is comprised of some sort of teamwork or the other:

The Single Mother

niklsn She is the strongest woman I know. She walks the unaccompanied path. She has her own back. She asks no favors.  Not an ounce of independence does she lack. She has moments where she feels as though no one sees her. She feels them stare, but do they really see her? She gets whistles when she walks down the street, yet she goes to bed alone