Did you know that everything in life requires a positive and a negative energy before it can have balance? It is the friction of the two that ignites that brings about change,
and never the two by themselves, whether or not that change is good or bad. God made two of everything in this world we share and call home. There is male and female, good and bad, ugly and pretty, sad and joy, good and evil, and positive and negative, the list goes on. The point being, we cannot have one without the other. This is the point of light. It takes a positive energy and a negative energy to produce light. One is not better than the other; they are both absolutely necessary in the production of light as much as an egg and a sperm are necessary for procreation.
and never the two by themselves, whether or not that change is good or bad. God made two of everything in this world we share and call home. There is male and female, good and bad, ugly and pretty, sad and joy, good and evil, and positive and negative, the list goes on. The point being, we cannot have one without the other. This is the point of light. It takes a positive energy and a negative energy to produce light. One is not better than the other; they are both absolutely necessary in the production of light as much as an egg and a sperm are necessary for procreation.
So why then are so many people going around telling others to cut negative people from their lives? This is 100 percent wrong and ill-advice. The first problem is the masses are followers who lack any real sense of direction or clarity in life. So of course they buy into and feed on these kind of personas. They are looking to attach themselves to someone or live vicariously through them without checking the facts or the real reasons for the behavior or belief. The other problem is, the leaders are losing sight of their vision. Their vision has become clouded by fame and glory; or something else, such as ego, pride, or money.
Let me say this very clearly, without those "so called" "negative people" in our lives, many of us would not even grow an inch. Therefore, instead of cutting, raking and weeding them from our lives think of them as manure. They are the fertilizer of growth, strength, stamina. They prepare us for the next unexpected change of wind...the high tide and low waters, the next phase, the next chapter of our lives.
Bear in mind that it is never the negative energy that causes the friction, it is usually one of three reasons for the combustion that causes the fire to spark:
1. the overloading of the circuit
2. an excessive rubbing of the elements, either together or against a foreign object
3. the introduction of third and unrelated element
Think of how stink that manure is that your freshly laid new sod needs to grow, but without it, that freshly laid sod stands very little chance of growth and prosperity. You have to be ready, willing and able to take "shit" in life if you want to grow. So put up with the "shit"! For if you don't, someone else will.
Then we are going to have the nerve to be jealous and envious of someone when they are stinking, filthy rich and prosperous, and wonder, "how did they get so lucky". They got lucky because they did not only take "shit" from others; they had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So take your "shit" and eat it too. Then tell it to God in prayer. Only he will understand as we walk past the non-shit taking, bigger than criticize, don't blame or judge me wishers to the bank.
Remember, all those people that help to shape you into the individual you are today, judged, criticized, blamed, condemned and found faults of you. Those people were your mother, your father, your siblings, your children, your best friend, your teacher, your coach, your own damn self. So I guess we should self destruct. No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. So suck it up and let them criticize, blame and judge you.
Take it from me; it is to your own advantage. A diamond did not get its luster and highly sought-after value just like that. It underwent years of torture, fire and abrasions. Mediocre don’t get criticized, blamed and judged. You are criticized, blamed and judged because someone sees value in you, whether they recognize that is what they see or not. Remember, without those god awful, bad tasting medicines, we all would be crippled, lamed, and/or stupid.
I remember those days when my mother used to line us up as children and one by one fed us that god awful cod liver oil and honey. Nothing tasted worst as back as I can remember. Today, I am thankful for that god awful medicine my mom fed us; because of it we all have amazingly beautiful skin and age magnificently.

The bible tells us to let the wheat and the tares grow together until the day of harvest. If you are a true gardener, you would know that this is so true. Have you ever gone weeding in the garden, especially around early spring when everything is just starting to fill in, and because those beautiful perennials look a lot like weeds when they first start to shoot you pluck it out right from the root? And no sooner than you did—you stood there with them in your hands realizing they were the lavender or the tulips you planted last fall. Sometimes what seems ugly and unattractive in the beginning just needs time and a little TLC to flourish.
If everybody wants to cut off others for their minor infractions, who is going to love them? Is this the kind of world you want to live in? I certainly don't. No matter how positive you and your friends and companions may think you are, just remember, you too are going to rub someone the wrong way and they are going to think you are negative, or judgmental or critical. None of us are perfect. None of us! So none of us have the right to suggest that anyone be cut off or out of anybody’s life—who they gonna run to when trouble strike, ah?! You?! I bet not. We must encourage forgiveness, and we must carry on. That is the best we can do. And since we are all striving for excellence, that is also the least we can do.
Don't make hasty, unwise decisions because you yourself are unfit to make the right decision. Seek the earnest prayer of God's reverent people and ask God for His divine guidance and protection over your life and your decision making ability. Learn to hold your own tongue. The bible says the tongue is the vilest organ or muscle in the body. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger." It also says, He that keeps his tongue, keeps his life. We need to think twice and speak once.

The bible tells us to let the wheat and the tares grow together until the day of harvest. If you are a true gardener, you would know that this is so true. Have you ever gone weeding in the garden, especially around early spring when everything is just starting to fill in, and because those beautiful perennials look a lot like weeds when they first start to shoot you pluck it out right from the root? And no sooner than you did—you stood there with them in your hands realizing they were the lavender or the tulips you planted last fall. Sometimes what seems ugly and unattractive in the beginning just needs time and a little TLC to flourish.
“Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it. What appear bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone.” ― Miller Williams
If everybody wants to cut off others for their minor infractions, who is going to love them? Is this the kind of world you want to live in? I certainly don't. No matter how positive you and your friends and companions may think you are, just remember, you too are going to rub someone the wrong way and they are going to think you are negative, or judgmental or critical. None of us are perfect. None of us! So none of us have the right to suggest that anyone be cut off or out of anybody’s life—who they gonna run to when trouble strike, ah?! You?! I bet not. We must encourage forgiveness, and we must carry on. That is the best we can do. And since we are all striving for excellence, that is also the least we can do.
Don't make hasty, unwise decisions because you yourself are unfit to make the right decision. Seek the earnest prayer of God's reverent people and ask God for His divine guidance and protection over your life and your decision making ability. Learn to hold your own tongue. The bible says the tongue is the vilest organ or muscle in the body. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger." It also says, He that keeps his tongue, keeps his life. We need to think twice and speak once.
The tongue is probably the only weed in our lives today. That is thing that must be controlled and be eradicated if anything—definitely not the people in our lives. They are the branches and the leaves of the tree of life (us). They are the roses in our garden. We must prune them, train them, love them and take care of them; but don't weed them out, for haven sake. Instead, let’s weed out our thoughts and our words.
Until next time, be blessed...be bold...be strong...be YOU!! YOUniquely, YOU!
Until next time, be blessed...be bold...be strong...be YOU!! YOUniquely, YOU!
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