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Showing posts from January, 2016

The Three Culprits of Stress and How They Affect Our Lives

What is stress? Stress is like water, we all need it to feel alive, but too much of it at one time can cause infallible damage to our health. With that being said, stress in and of itself is neither good nor bad—it is a symptom or byproduct of one's feelings or thoughts of inability to do something that is important, or in anticipation of something great to come. Stress is a state of emotional chaos.   It can and will manifest (or show up) in our bodies as aches and pains and even severe or chronic diseases if the root cause is not dealt with swiftly and appropriately

Four Fail-proof Ways To Cope With Stress In Today's Society

Coping with stress: As you may have realized by now, stress has major implications for our overall health: mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually (not so much in the religious sense). How we cope or deal with stressors is personal.  There is no singular right way for dealing with stress, but being equipped with the proper tools is essential to your recovery.  Knowing yourself, being assertive and proactive, self-care and love, setting goals and learning and practicing problem-solving techniques are pivotal. The rest you must figure out on your own as you come across different situations and given your personal preferences: taking actions, finding peer support or using distraction.