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Showing posts from April, 2015

What is Spirituality?

What is spirituality? White lady looking up, index finger on side of chin with multicoloured thought bubbles above head. company logo Here is the thing, I was reading a post the other day that really got me thinking, and after reading through the entire post, I went back to re-read a passage. While searching for the passage, my eyes stopped on the word SPI RITUAL ITY , and for the first time ever I saw the root word " ritual " in it. Immediately I asked myself, so what does " Spi " means? Immediately I took to google in search of the prefix and what I found out actually was astounding! It states...

How To Navigate Through Life: A Young Person's Guide To Success

How to navigate through life: A young person's guide to success - Girl feet, red converse, three directional white arrows, black tar mat, AggieStrong logo I love young people. I truly do.  I have two and I often feel like I am one of them myself to be quite honest. But honestly thought, are young people taking on too much? I wrote this post a few nights back, then had second thoughts about publishing it, but here you go! The other night while lying in bed surfing through my emails I came across this Quora post: “I'm in my early 20s and is there such thing as wanting to do too many things in life?” And decided to blog about my insights.  So here are my thoughts on the matter...