“[The middle class] tells people to be happy with what they have,” he said. “And on the whole, most people are steeped in fear when it comes to money.
—Steve Siebold, author of ‘How Rich People Think’I was appalled by the audacity taken in this post - 21-ways-rich-people-think-differently¹. When I saw the post came across my Facebook feed, I was immediately intrigued and went on to read it. But after quickly scanning through it, I responded to it without hesitation. Here is what I wrote:
Crap!! Rich people did not get rich being rich. This is an insult to injury...go back to the drawing board with this. Different doesn't equal right. Rich doesn't equal right. Rich and poor all have money problems. Guilt of having too much and guilt of not having enough. Then we have those who are content with what they have...not everyone sit around dreaming of how to get filthy rich. You may have more money than me, but [I] could be richer than you in sooooo many ways. Don't be fooled by wealth, it's not all that it is crapped up to be. Just take a good look around you and you will see. Everything is relative.
But that wasn't enough. So here I am, blogging about its entirety. Let's explore some of these 21 ways individually:
1. Ordinary people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.
Sure, I can see how rich people would say that. And yes, poverty is the root of all evil and not money. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil and not the MONEY itself—don't get it twisted. As stated in my earlier response to the article itself, rich people did not get rich from being rich. They were once poor somewhere along the line.And yes, a lot of the time, rich people ARE lucky and dishonest. If you are willing to go back a little further in history, you will likely find out how and where most of their lineage of wealth came about.
Most of them are great liars who are better at stealing, frauds, cover-ups, deceptions, masterminds, blackmails and backstabbing. They get away with murder while the average middle class gets thrown in jail for misdemeanours.
After years of observing the corporate world, I sometimes jokingly tell my children that if they want to get ahead, they should really learn the "fine art" of lying...and no, I do not condone lying. This is for the elite of the elite hell-bound, rich ass people without a soul. These people sold their souls to the devil and are having a hard time getting it back. The rest of us just plainly gave up and chose our soul.
2. Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue.
I am not surprised by this in the least. I have long thought this to be true. Thanks for confirming it.Selfishness is indeed a vice. No man is an island. People need people—period! Selfishness is different from self-love.
Self-love does not stop you from sharing and caring for others; in fact, it promotes it. This is why self-love people can take care of themselves and still go out and save the world.
It takes a wealthy person, rich in spirit, not in self, to do that. But he would not know anything about that, would he now??
3. Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.
No other class of people works harder than the working poor, middle-class people, and while it is true that some of them have their minds set on winning the lottery, that does not stop them from working hard, if not harder.Let's face it: the lottery is just another scheme that rich people came up with to steal bread from poor people.
If poor people have the lottery mentality, I guess it would be safe to say that rich people have the entrapment or enslavement mentality. They give false hope to the poor of becoming rich in the guise of taking millions of dollars to get richer.
4. Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.
Who needs formal education when you can trick, lie and scheme your way in and out of other people's pockets.Damn straight rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge—the specific knowledge of white-collar theft.
I should tell my 17-year-old to forget about applying to university this year. Save our time, energy and money. Just teach all these kids (and their parents) applying to colleges and universities worldwide how to lie and steal. Teach them to scam their way into getting rich.
The only time a formal education does not get one closer to their dreams is in sports, music and other arts. And even then, you have to have a certain amount of education or people with "specific knowledge" will rip you off.
So here you go again, another way orchestrated by the rich to entrap the poor into their lottery ticket mentality—because going to school is a pointless waste of time and money. Just take your broke-ass self and talent and make your dreams into reality—that's all it takes—right Mr. Siebold?! Or risk your education and bump all your parents' life savings into the stock market. Got it! Not! Education is the key to success...Everyone wants that piece of paper...even your clients!
5. Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future.
This is just plain crap!Who doesn't reminisce on those good old days...If you don't know where you came from, you can not truly know where you are going. No wonder so many rich people are heading straight to hell.
I am not saying you dwell in the past, but you have to go back from time to time to pick up what you have forgotten—roots and foundation.
6. Average people earn money doing things they don't love. Rich people follow their passion.
I find it a little nonsensical and dismissive. We all could not be Rich and Powerful leaders. If we were, who would be doing the unwanted, unenjoyable jobs of the rich?A lot of people would love nothing more than to follow their passion, but every passion has its own set of rules and classifications.
Following one's passion takes hard work, sacrifices, commitment and persistent determination, and, unless you are willing to be homeless and or beg and steal, a little bit of cash. So yes, you need that boring, mundane job to fund your passion. Unless, of course, you were "born with a silver spoon in your mouth".
I really can't think of too many who would rather work for someone than work for themselves, if there were nothing that would prevent them from so doing.
If everyone were doing what they love, this would be a free society—and we all know that this is not the case or God's intent. He made rich and poor, good and bad, black and white, hell and heaven for a reason.
We are all not going to be or get rich—get used to it and share.
7. Average people set low expectations so they're never disappointed. Rich people are up for the challenge.
No one knows disappointments and setbacks like average folks. They live, breathe and eat them. Most rich people would not recognize challenge if it slapped them in the face. Average people face a lot of systemic and structural barriers that were put in place by the rich. Sometimes, it more about self-preservation.Average people tend not to gamble as much as rich people because they have nothing to fallback on, while the selfish rich people do nothing to bail them out. So yes, they tend to take a more realistic and practical approach to life. And long life is better than a risky one. Better a little caution than a great regret. —
George S. Clason.
On average, average people tend to live longer, healthier and emotionally/spiritually fulfilling lives despite their financial woes.
They are not over-inflated with the high expectation that leads to heart attacks—the number one killer for high-expectations, stress-ridden rich people. And yes, stress is a factor for both the rich and poor.
The bottom line is that we all die—rich, poor, stress or no stress—so don't let money or the lack thereof speed up your heart. One life to live; just live it in peace. Money comes, and money goes, so if you have it share it.
8. Average people believe you have to DO something to get rich. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich.
This is a great contradiction to what he stated earlier that poor people do not do anything and that is why they are poor. Whatever happened to the "Action Mentality" he spoke of earlier?Well, as Margaret Thatcher said, "It used to be about trying to do something. Now it's about trying to be someone.'
For what does it profit a man to gain this whole world and lose his own soul? -Mark 8:36, KJV
One's life must mean more than that. People need to be concerned with courage and convictions over money and seek to aid the poverties of this world. Now, that is a better use of one's time here on earth.
9. Average people believe you need money to make money. Rich people use other people's money.
As much as we would like to think that money grows on trees, it doesn't. It is minted by the rich and controlled by the government.Using other people's money is easier said than done. Besides, money doesn't even talk—it whispers. It is your credit that does the talking, and if you don't have money to pay your bills when they are due, then bullshit, start walking.
What you need here is a good credit rating and a rich person or financial lender to believe in your dreams as much as you believe in them, some education about your talent/passion and a wise coach/mentor and /or business advisor. These are the facts for getting rich.
10. Average people believe the markets are driven by logic and strategy. Rich people know they're driven by emotion and greed.
We all know that the average working class is fearful of the greedy rich. Let's face it, they are like snipers who have no mercy. We are dealing with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer here.I am all for taking risks, but even with taking risks, you must execute a contingency plan. If your desire is to get rich playing the stock market, find out everything you can about it and be willing to accept the consequences of potential loss. The Stock market is highly volatile, like a volcano waiting to erupt and it could go any way.
Don't be taunted into buying into another rich people's mentality without learning the rules of their game.
This is just another ploy to trick you into the lion's den. Unless you have the faith of Daniel, think twice. Sometimes it is better to be safe than sorry.
Think of it as ecological for you and those who stand to be affected by your decisions. Being average is still better than being flat-broke with no goals or recourse. It is your emotions versus their greed. In such situations, your emotions represent your ethical considerations, values, and feelings of empathy and compassion, while greed represents their strong desire for material gain or profit without regard for ethical or moral concerns.
11. Average people live beyond their means. Rich people live below theirs.
We all know that this is not true. You only need to turn on the television to hear of another b/millionaire that has gone broke. People are people and people will do what people do.Besides, there are a lot of highly conservative average working-class people out there. This is one reason they do not play the stock market.
Rich people live above their means too. We all need to curve this habit.
12. Average people teach their children how to survive. Rich people teach their kids to get rich.
All families teach their children what they know best. Besides, survival skills are a much better skill than "get rich" skills.What they’re teaching their kids is to see the world through the eyes of objective reality—not the way society really is.If you were in the woods being attacked by wolves, who would you call upon?
Remember, you can not take the money with you.
13. Average people let money stress them out. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth.
Money stresses out both the rich and the poor: the average for a lack thereof, and the rich for fear of losing it. We only find peace of mind when we can take money out of the equation.Yes, money does provide us all with a certain degree of freedom and peace of choice but never peace of mind.
We only get peace of mind with caring and sharing. It is called compassion and empathy for the less fortunate. Try it you'll see.
14. Average people would rather be entertained than educated. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained.
Though there is some degree of truth to this, I must go back to the source. Rich people create entrapment, and average people are too blind to see it.Should poor people stop being so consumer-focused then rich people would lose half their wealth. Then we would probably solve the problems in this article.
However, I think the problem goes much deeper than formal education over self-taught education. It could be a preference in learning styles or other learning disabilities such as dyslexia, hyperactivity and/or attention deficiency, to name a few.
15. Average people think rich people are snobs. Rich people just want to surround themselves with like-minded people.
Again rich people create jobs. So if they weren't so selfish, they would make it easier for the working poor to have better earnings. This is something they can control. They should put their money where their mouths are.The average is FORCED to clip coupons and live frugally because of the enslavement mentality of the rich. Don't forget that it is their low-paying jobs to get rich quick that have created this system.
The average working-class people do not think of the rich as snobs. The rich think of themselves as snobs and aristocrats.
They need to get off their high horses, get down to earth and take responsibility for the damaging effects of their practices. The rich need to stop thinking about money and start thinking about people. Because, quite frankly, them and their money will go to hell.
16. Average people play it safe with money. Rich people know when to take risks.
The average can not afford to not play it safe with their money and they should not feel guilty or bad for doing so. They often do not have access to leverage. The rich can afford to take risks.Again, this is another entrapment to steal your hard-earned dollars. The rich getting richer mentality. They want you to feel bad or confused about what you are doing.
Remember, these are selfish people you are dealing with. Siebold said it himself. This is just a tease to get you into a risky business. Learn the rules before you can break them. And gamble only what you can afford to lose.
17. Average people love to be comfortable. Rich people find comfort in uncertainty.
Yes, it takes great risk to be a millionaire. The type of risk most middle-class families can not afford to take. Most rich people became rich before they started having a family: spouses, kids, a house, car(s) and the family pet to support.Most of them came from a lineage of wealth, so they could afford to take the kind of risk that Siebold is talking about.
There is nothing wrong with living comfortably. It is called peace of mind and contentment. You don't have to be a millionaire or billionaire to be "happy". Just do you.
18. Average people never make the connection between money and health. Rich people know money can save your life.
So this is what it is all about—Obamacare². Your selfish ass is worried about poor people benefiting from your hard earn dollars.Let me tell you, Mr. Siebold, your money can not save your life. It may be able to extend it a few on life support, living like a vegetable, but it can not save your life.
The biggest difference between most rich people's and average people's mentality is that most average people KNOW that only GOD can save their lives, while most rich people live in a mirage of a money bubble, thinking that when that time comes their money will save them. Most average people accept life and death, while rich people think that they are invincible.
I suggest you take your book back to the writing table and give people real hard solutions on how to make their hard-earned dollars work better for them.
19. Average people believe they must choose between a great family and being rich. Rich people know you can have it all.
It is given that wealth often takes the place of family time and is often demanded by selfish, uncaring employers who do not value family time.I have worked in geriatric care and have spoken to many and have witnessed the confession of many rich individuals who wish upon their deathbeds that they had spent more time with their families.
I have spoken to countless childless women who wished they had taken the time to have children instead of pursuing socio-economic statuses.
We have seen/read the testimonies of numerous wealthy children who have never felt a mother's or father's warm touch to tuck them into bed at night or kiss them goodbye in the morning.
We can not have it all. We MUST give up something for something else. Life is a constant trade. We can not have it all. Something has to give. Trust me on this one.
In conclusion, the rich are like leeches on the working poor. They are often greedy, selfish and heartless. They create roadblocks and economic hardship for society's most vulnerable—the working middle class—so that they can have it all. They must do what they can to alleviate the pressures on society. They need to match pay with the cost of living, open up loopholes and cut red tape to create a level playing field. Without the working average middle-class consumers, the rich would have no riches.
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