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Seven Simple Rules and the Four Key Players

Success is the monopoly of life.
Why you may ask? Because life is a virtual game. If you know and understand the rules and have key players on your side, you will succeed. That is, if you want it bad enough.

In the Game Of Life there are seven simple and easy to follow rules and without further ado, here they are:

  1. First and foremost, decide consciously that you are going to play the game.
  2. Know what is your expected outcome—what do you hope to achieve by playing—knowledge, power, status, recognition, money, fun, so on, and so forth.
  3. Why do you want to achieve it—how will it change your life, what would you do differntly?
  4. Take massive actions—stay focused and determined with the will and intent of resiliency. Do everything in your power to stay in the game.
    • Pay close attention to what’s working and what’s not working for you and for others.
    • Be flexible in your approach—don’t be too stubborn or headstrong that you lose out on other possibilities.
    •  Listen for new ideas and keep changing your approach if things aren't working until you find one that works for you.
  5.  Learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them.
  6.   Keep in mind that nothing is foolproof, and not because it didn't work for  ”x” does not mean it will not work for you
  7.  Last but not certainly not least, never, ever give up— for in doing so, you lose all your power.
Now that you know the rules, let me introduce you to the Four Key Players, or power players if you may:

First we have Mr. Know-It-All, otherwise known as Perception.  He is convinced he knows all the answers and will trick you into believing that whatever you think is the truth, and the absolute truth.  He is good at what he does and if you are not insightful, you will believe him. You see, everything is based on his beliefs.  So in other words, “whatever you perceive will be true for you”.  Therefore, you must control your perceptions and don’t ever let it be controlled by anyone but you.

The second player is Miss Common Sense.  She sometimes go by her more prestigious name, Physiology and rightfully so, because she knows how things work. She will insist that, “if you change your attitude and your body language, you will change your outcome. She will keep you in the game and in high tempo if you listen to her.  She knows all the right moves.  For more information on her you can visit her brother at:

The third player is Mr. Big Shot – ”I know you want me—you know I want you”, more formally known as Rapport.  Basically he believes that anything you want to achieve in this life, you can.   He is going to send you to see some other players called people.  People are what he calls his life lines. He believes you cannot get very far without their help.  People can be very demanding and they are going to expect you to scratch their backs, if you want them to scratch yours.  Despite that, you will need to build a strong support system with them and they will make sure you come out on top with an added edge. They know the underground world and the tricks of the trade. So stick with the plan—they will get you to where you want to go much faster and more smoothly.   Just remember that you have to be willing to give and take and spend some quality time with his pals developing some strong responsive interactions with them.  Not a bad trade off, but could be problematic if you prefer more quiet times to yourself. Unfortunately, this is the only way they know to play the game.

The fourth and final player is Little Miss Tactics, also known as, Strategy.  In order to be on her team you must have a plan.  She insists that the plan must be consistent and fail-proof.  You must eat, sleep, and breathe results.   Her motto is “Failing to plan, is planning to fail.”  It’s basically her way or no way.  She believes that the only way to win the game is knowing how to play the game.  Therefore, there has to be a method to everything you do.

So there you go, in a nut shell, if you are serious about playing this game of life and succeeding at it, learn the rules and get close and personal with the four key players.  In doing so, you have a win-win situation.  Do it at will. Do it because you want to.  Keep on trying and never give up on your dreams.  Sometimes you have to take the tough decisions and suffer for awhile—hang in there, it’s worth it!

Insipration: Tony Robbins Ultimate Succcess Plan


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