One must first learn to Follow before they can Lead.
We as a society have to start accepting the fact that not everybody was meant
to be a leader and let the followers be content in their roles as followers. In this 21th century that we live in, everybody wants to be leaders and are even criticized if we don’t show leadership characteristics. But my question is, if we all want to lead, who is going to follow?
See, a lot of leaders who quickly rise in rank have not really taken the
time to learn the differences between true leadership and extortion of power. They may confuse abuse of power, arrogance, and
aggression with leading. If we haven’t learnt how to care and have compassion for others we truly cannot lead. Leadership is
not about being cold, cruel and psychopathic. It is about understanding, compassion and
decisiveness. With that said, if you
have the former two, you will be able to make quick, intelligent, and fair
There are three areas of administration that a potential leader need to be tested and evaluated on to see if they really have what it takes to truly lead others—According to Pastor Charles Price, even Jesus was tested in these areas. These are a person’s basic approach, mannerism
or mind-set towards others and how he or she handles his or her self in these
three undertakings:
- Resources
- Responsibilities
- Reputation
Materials or Non-material supplies; money, services, staff, or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable
How a person handles the resources that he has or was given
to work with, is the number one indicator of how well he/she will lead. A person who is materialistic cannot be a
good leader nor was cut out to be one.
They will always put their needs ahead of those they are in charge of. They will always lead from the wrong place
with the wrong motives. Consider your
motivation whenever making a decision or leading others. It is about you, your
pocket book, your personal and professional growth, or how fast you can
advance? If they are, you are coming from a wrong place, and though you may get
what you want, in the end, it will only be temporary. Conniveingness never pays
in the long run—be patient, you will eventually get everything that is due unto
you. Lead from a place of compassion and
kindness. This is not to say, you allow
others to push you over. You have to be
strong and firm at the same time. Even then,
others will know you are coming from a place of fairness—a good place. Don’t allow
yourself to get bankrupt in character for the richness of material things. A
true leader will always do what is right.
The ability or authority to act or decide on one's own, without supervision
The second test of a true leader
is how well she handles the responsibilities given to her. Are you going to go off on a “power trip” and exhaust the power of your responsibilities? Or
are you going to be a true leader? Knowing despite all the power you have at your disposal, to do
whatever you want, you are not going to abuse it or become egotistic. One of the greatest tests of a true leader is
self-control and wisdom. Can you be trusted to exercise self-restraint in your responsibilities? Sometimes we
are so eager to prove ourselves, we disgrace ourselves. We overstep and we make dangerous decisions
and do the wrong things. We try to prove
to the wrong people what we can do. A
true leader does not have to prove anything to anyone. He knows what he can do and he is
humble. A true leader will be true to
his calling no matter what. He will be
patient, wise, kind, and humble. There
is a saying that goes like this, if you want to find a true leader, give a person the most difficult followers and the dirtiest jobs and see what he or she does with
them. A true leader is not a bully nor is he/she arrogant.
Overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general
Reputation is one of the biggest set-back and the truest
test of a true leader. Why? Because too
often we let our reputation get in the way of whom we are. We let what others
expect from us dictate how we run things. When we start
to get consumed by our reputation, that’s when we start to lose sight of the realness of whom we are; or
are supposed to be. Reputation is a
dead-end street that only leads to hypocrisy and corruption. I believe this
quote sums it up nicely:
True leaders are not coax by evil doers or pain seekers. They can spot these people from a mile away and recognize that they are not their friends. They only seek to
bring down true leaders in the guise of camaraderie.
A true leader will stand the test of time. He or she will seek to ease pain instead of
intensify them and will exhibit the following qualities:
- The state of his members is more important to him than the state of the job they perform.
- She does not feel the need to scheme and manipulate for position, money, status, or power.
- They are willing to sacrifice their pride.
- We no longer seek to boost our ego at the expense of others.
- They are ready to set popularism at rest.
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