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Six Reasons Why People Unfollow on Twitter

Well I am no twitter expert, but I am very observant and free-thinkg. And for those two reasons, I decided to share my thoughts with you on the subject matter.

So recently I noticed that I had a few unfollow or no follow backs on twitter—I have a very small platform to begin with so I kind of notice these things‚ maybe they are just more obvious when you have such a small platform—I don't know.  Anyhow, I decided to check out who unfollow me on Manage Filter—my little twitter helper. While I was doing that, I got to thinking why do people unfollow or not follow back? So here are the top six reasons I came up with:

  1. They unfollow you:  They unfollow you first.  This may seem trivial but it is true. Someone follows you—you follow back. Then after awhile you noticed that they are no longer following you—so naturally, you unfollow back. It is just that simple. Especially if you had only follow back out of courtesy and a few good tweets.  Basically, if they are not interested in your platform, why should you be interested in theirs?
  2. They have not followed back:  You follow someone and after some time has passed, they still have not followed you back, yet they are actively on twitter.  Mmm! They are really not that important to begin with, so why did they not return the follow?  I mean, we are here to support each other—"You scratch my back, I scratch yours."—Kind of deal. Maybe they think that they are somehow bigger or better than you, or maybe they are not interested in your platform.  The $100 question of the day.  Here is the thing though, if you follow them first and you really care about what they have to say; then stick around.  You may learn a thing or too, at the very least be encouraged.
  3. They spam you:  So you follow someone because they tweeted a few stuff of interest.  So you checked out their tweets a little further back and they seem alright and legit.  But then they start to SPAM you!!!  What the dealio with that?  Spamming means frequent and repetitious tweets.  You cant even see tweets you want to see without scrolling for miles.  STOP the insanity.
  4. They use too much profanity:  They plainly swear toooo much! No respect or potty mouth. This is just rude and unacceptable behaviour.
  5. They share useless info or info you have no interest in:  This here would fall in the same category as spamming, but a little less severe.  Too much of something you have no real interest in—nothing personal—just not interested anymore.
  6. They find your tweets offensive: You just don't like their tweets. You find most of what they tweet irritating or mean-spitited. So yes, this is one is a bit personal—everyone has to draw the line somewhere—and maybe your tweets are where the line is drawn.  Twitter is a public forum.  We have to be and need to be mindful of fragile individuals in society. Yes we have the right to "freedom of speech", but we also have an intrinsic and universal "right to care". 

So, if you fall into category 1 or 2, and you are really not that big of a deal—meaning, you are not a celebrity, a politician, a pastoral minister, or a verified somebody—just follow back, what's the heck? Unless your reason is for one listed above (items 3-6).

If we fall into category 3 or 5, these are easy fixes. If you are a real person—try to break up your tweets into smaller increments—meaning, spread out your tweet to maybe every three to four hours per day and only tweets— about four to six tweets during those allotted times. This way, you still get your message across while staying fresh in the minds of your followers without the annoying factor.  

If you fall into category 4, and you care about respecting your followers, then cut out the swearing—it is really not that necessary—I am sure you can get your point across without it.  At the very least bleep out the swear words or grow up! will ya?!

For me category 6 is the most appalling.  Offensive tweets mean calling other people names, labelling or putting them down with terms like "negative people". As I said, we all draw the line somewhere.  For me, this is it.  I cringe at the sight and sound of that word.  People are people, and behaviours are behaviours.  We need to stop LABELLING people. Because if we are not one way, we are the other.  We see people as how we are subconsciously. And when we are quick to point fingers, we just advertise who exactly we are. 

In the end, ALL WE need is to be LOVED, and to feel WANTED, and APPRECIATED—that's All—encourage everyone to be better and to do better! Don't cut them off, or put them down.

This is AggieStrong signing out, until next time,
Be Bless. Be Strong. Be Bold. Be YOU!!

P.S.: For more on the topic, see also this link I stumbled upon while searching for a picture to use in this post:

Good luck in all your endeavours, and please drop me a line below if you have any comments or questions about this post or any other. Also, if you feel you have benefited from this post, please share it via one of the links below or leave me a shout-out to encourage me and let me know you were here. Thanks!!


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