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The 5 Secrets to Success and Wealth: According to Earl Nightingale, Law of Attraction

  • Earl Nightingale was an American motivational speaker and author, known as the "Dean of Personal Development." He was the voice in the early 1950s of Sky King, the hero of a radio adventure series, and was a WGN radio show host from 1950 to 1956
  • Success and goals are virtually synonymous. In order to be successful, we must set goals; but setting goals requires some degree of thinking. This is where the problem comes in, because people in general just don't think—and if and when they do—they don't think right. Their thoughts are filled with the negativity of stress and consumed with worry and blame. However; worrying and blaming
    accomplish nothing except for fear, doubts, and more stress, which are all crippling. Instead, we need to set desired goals. Which means we must know, or have a planned destination and a set of guidelines that must be strictly followed. No if, ands, or buts. We need to hold our goals before us and make ourselves accountable for accomplishing them. We are to keep calm and cheerful and not to let petty things annoy or delude us from what's intended for us.

    In order to succeed, you must learn the art of selling.  Each of us succeed to the extent of our ability to sell. No one can accomplish anything without first selling it. We have to learn to convince others to see what we see, feel what we feel, and taste what we taste. Therefore they must believe what we believe if they are going to accept or buy what we're telling or selling them. And that is a fine art. Everything that we do requires some form of selling. We must sell ourselves to the good life that we so desire. We must also pay the price in the interim. This price is our personal investment which comes in the form of emotional intelligence and self sacrifice. Namely:

    1.  Realizing that we literally become what we think about, meaning:
    • we MUST control our thoughts in order to take control of our lives, and;
    • what we sow or plant in our minds, we will reap or so shall it manifest in our life.
    2.  We must prepare our minds for harvesting by cutting away all the weeds of negative and counter-productive thoughts that take root, and fertilize it with positive thoughts that will allow it to produce abundance as it was meant to. To do that, we must:
    • realize that ALL limitations are self-imposed; and that opportunities are enormous beyond belief;
    • rise above the narrow-minded pettiness and prejudices, and open our minds to FULL acceptance of others;
    • let you imagination speculate on all circumstances.
    3.  We MUST use ALL our courage to fore yourself to think positively on our own problems, and:
    • set clearly defined goals for ourselves;
    • let our mind think about our goals from all possible angles;
    • let our imagination run freely on many different possible solutions;
    • refuse to believe that there are any circumstances sufficiently strong enough to defeat us from accomplishing our purpose;
    • to act promptly and decisively when the course is clear;
    • to be constantly aware of the fact that we are, at this very moment, standing in our own acres of diamonds.
    4.  At all cost, we MUST save ten percent of what we earn.

    5.  To be mindful that, what ever JOB we currently hold has a wealth of possibilities, if we are willing to seek them out—pay the price.

    To sum it all up:
    1. You BECOME what you think about
    2. Use your IMAGINATION and let your mind soar
    3. Have COURAGE and concentrate on your goals every day
    4. SAVE10% of your income
    5. Take ACTION—Ideas are worthless unless you act on them [promptly]
    Note, none of us are void of wants and fears. But to move forward, we need to forget about our fears and think only about the the things we want.  That is what is going to propel us to the next level; along with our kindness and compassion. If you want more, give more. Because what you give is what you get back in return. Bear in mind that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Write your GOALS down on a card or a piece of paper and carry it in your wallet like cash.  Spend it every time your are in need or encounter a difficult situation. Pull it out and read it often.  Make it your daily dose of mental supplement. Smile at it. Kiss it. Hug it. Caress it. Take baby steps everyday toward accomplishing what ever it is on that card or piece of paper.  Remember, it is you and it against the world. Consider it  your weapon of destruction. Your choice of drugs. Make it make you high. It is your reason and purpose to live, to carry on. And in doing so, remember to always maintain a cheerful and calm disposition.

    Do not worry about how it is all going to happen.  Just know that the POWER OF HOW is greater than you. In time, it will all be yours. You deserve, and have as much rights to the abundance of this world as anyone else. It is yours with the right spirit and smarts. Just pay the price: replace those thoughts of worry and fear with thoughts of worthiness and gratitude. Keep on smiling and giving and be calm. All you need is Faith and a little will-power—all that you need is within you—just believe and it shall be done. (Mark 9:23)  

    You may listen to the video for more insights

    Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. —Matthew 7:7
    No man can get rich himself, unless he enriches others. —Earl Nightingale 
    Thanks for reading and please share. Be Bless:)


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