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Showing posts from 2012


As the holidays approaches, a lot of us have travelling on our minds, as part of the festivities includes long distance travel to be with love ones.  A recent trip to NYC gets me thinking of sharing the importance of these safe driving tips.

GOSSIPING: The Demon within You

No sword bites so fiercely as an evil tongue.  -- Sir Philip Sidney Gossip: To talk about someone adversely (badly) when they are not around. Let me say first and foremost, we are all sinners saved by grace and none of us are free of errors. What is your greatest pet peeve?   Mine is Gossiping and here is why.


When It comes to achieving ones goal, your mind can be the single most powerful thing—it can either be our greatest   assets or our greatest defeat—our best friend or our worst enemy.   There are a numerous mind traps that can get in the way of our goals. Mind traps can hinder our best efforts leaving us to feel like a failure.   If we are not vigilant  and are aware of the signs of "when to hold and when to fold", they can de-rail every single effort we make and throw us completely off track. STRESS is one of the greatest mind traps present in our everyday life.   It is the biggest downer---it will close us up and zap our entire energy.   For anyone trying to succeed at anything, if they don't learn to recognize and put stress at bay, it can upheaval their entire plan.  It can put everything they work for at risk.   Stress is paralyzing and can get in the way of your rational thinking, causing one to over-re-act in the guise...

The Power of Chakra and the Law of Attraction

Is Your Personal Manifestation Going Awry?   Here are a few Blunders you could be Guilty of: You may find that as you journey through life, things are not adding up. You take one step forward and two steps back and instead of moving forward in your life, you are just going around in circles. The law of attractions states, we have vast powers inside ourselves that we can tap into to achieve the life we dream of. It states that there are some things we can learn the easy way that most people have learned the hard way.   But! In order to do that,

Time for Change: Four Reasons A Person Should Change and Why

Change is necessary, but not all change is good.  It is the revolution of the future.  We need change for growth and prosperity. But what is Change? The word CHANGE means: To become different, renewed or anew; a shift in paradigm - from ones current state to new desired state.

How to "Beat the Heat"

Aggiestrong blog post title: How to beat the heat With the increasing rise of "Global Warming", we are facing greater and greater health risks from the effects of unpredictable climate change. These changes are occurring more frequently and abruptly as a result of such things as increased industrial pollution and automobile exhaust. When the temperature is about to get extremely hot, a "Heat Alert" is issued by the government warning us to protect ourselves from the extreme heat. This  means we could face a higher number of heat-related illnesses and mortality than normally expected, on a typical summer's day if precautions are not taken. In order to beat the heat and stay cool, calm, collected, alive and well, here are a few simple but necessary precautions to exercise: Take advantage of air conditioned shopping malls, local libraries and neighbourhood community centres as places to cool off—this is the time to use your A/C if you have one. Keep h...

Five Easy Steps to Stay Emotionally Charged and tips to help you along:

Your perception of me is not a reflection of who I am...It is a reflection of your own indignation. If you find that you are always in a funk and that every little thing seems to get on your last nerve, it maybe that you are taking things way too personal.  Often times people are dealing with their own personal demons and if you are orbiting their aura, they could cast their negative energies

Live A Little, What the heck?

Well, well, well! It's been a while, but I have not forgotten you my friends. Soooo, what have I been up to in the last little while (smile)?  I have celebrated my daughter's Sweet Sixteen birthday and took a wonderfully exhilarating 7 day vacation to one of the most beautiful places on earth, Roatan, Honduras!! Sometimes in life we don't always have the financial resources to do the things we really want to do.  So we sit and ponder and fret about not being able to enjoy life or do the things, the really important things that matter the most in life.  Things like making it happen for you and your family.  Celebrating that  special milestone that once it's past it gone or taking that much need vacation. Well not me.  I can be very determined in getting what matters to me.  They say "Once you set your mind to something the universe do what ever it takes to make it happen."  I call it a miracle or Faith, some call it luc...


  Wondering how to get what you want? The difference between those who win and those who don't is that those who win will do what it takes to win, and the rest refuse to do the same. Let's face it: the only thing stopping you from getting what you want is you.   You say you want something – you want it so bad you can taste it…you daydream about it, you plan, you talk, you read, you write about it.   Yet when the opportunity presents itself, you fail to seize it.   You let yourself stand in the way of you and your goal—your golden opportunity.   Time and time again, you trip and stumble over yourself. You have to stop letting your inhibitions rob you of the things you want.   You may have to sacrifice your rules and your standards: they could be your worst enemies in terms of getting to where and what you want most in life.   If you want it bad enough, you have to seize it when the opportunity arises. But will it be worth it in the end? T...