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Why I'm With Her

Some people may wonder why I get so excited about the US election. After all, I don't live there and I am a Jamaican born Canadian. The truth of the matter is, whatever happens in the US affects Canada profoundly. We share very strong borders and hold close ties with the US. They are one of our strongest allies and trade partners, and a lot of their values align with our values.

On Personal Values and Leadership

Donald Trump has made himself a political fiasco in the media who doesn't share Canadian values and shows a lot of intolerance of difference. Even though he said he would not put up a wall between us like he plans to do with Mexico, what's to stop him in the eventuality of a falling out with our prime minister. He has already tried to disqualify Canadian-born Ted Cruz, his running mate, on the basis that he wasn't born in the USA. This was the same contemptuous thing he tried with President Obama. In my humble opinion, he is driven by jealousy and competitiveness and is the main reason he is running in this election. Not for the betterment of society. The man is factious.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is poised, practical and polished. She has the skills, the means, and the values to build bridges and tear down walls based on her proven experience, strengths, and passion for humanity. Making a difference is what counts, not being different or hating difference. Need I say more?

This stark contrast is why I not only get excited but why I also encourage my two daughters to watch and pay close attention to this election. Not only does the US elections affect Canada, but ultimately the whole world. You see, America is one of the most, if not the most, powerful country in the world right now. So we should all pay attention to them and what they do in the interest of our safety, friendliness, and prosperity; because your lives and your livelihood depend on it.

On Economic Development

According to a study found in the Globe and Mail, Canada Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's within a specific time period, usually annually—increase an average of 3.1% per year in a US democratic presidencies since 1972, as opposed to 2.7% in a republican presidency. So this is why I get so excited. What happens there, affects us here.

Besides, I am a liberal, social democratic all the way. I believe in justice, equality and fairness for one and all and this is why, from north of the borders, I'm with her in this US election.

On Life Coaching and the Whole Life Balance

Now, some may question what this article has to do with life coaching; even caution against mixing politics (and religion) with business. But, as you can see from this US election, business is life, and life is politics, sex, and religion—taboo, as they may seem. These are the issues that affect the very fibre and under current of our well-being and existence.

Shunning these issues in the interest of getting ahead in life and/or career is counterintuitive, counterproductive and will be a grave detriment to our ultimate goals and successes in life. Success is not stifling. Stifling any part of you is not growth. And, if that's what it means, I'd rather the other option. Put your truth out there and let people know and appreciate who they are dealing with. This is the time to shine. The time for authenticity, sincerity, transparency, and vulnerability. Stop hiding your truth. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and from the bondage of other people's judgment. It's time to live a liberated life! Success is whole-life balance—physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, sexually, politically, environmentally, socially and psychologically.

If you have to hide your true self: feelings and beliefs to be liked or accepted, we are still a far cry from civilization. Politics and religion are just an extension of who we are as a whole person. They should not be shunned nor negated to make other people more comfortable with or around us. It is time we stop silencing our voice and let our values validate us—personally and professionally.


Andrene Gregory is a life coach with certification in LifeSkills training and Personality Dimensions. She helps empower adults to live a strength-based life, regain their confidence and find the courage to get through life's challenging situations. Her unique approach to getting desired results includes personality assessment, self-knowledge, goal setting, and action planning.

Andrene provides one-on-one coaching and group workshops. Find out more at


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