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Daily Affirmations

Feeling down on yourself?  Here are a few simple affirmations to pick you right up!
Affirmations are powerful tools to keep you feeling positive, motivated and upbeat. Start clearing your head of negative thoughts and emotions with these simple yet powerful messages. Speak them into existence and watch your life transform.

You can be, do, or have anything you set your mind to.  The Bible tells us that: When you make a decision and declare it, it will be carried out and the light will shine on your life. All you have to do is "think higher and feel deeper".

Soon, you will start to vibrate on a higher altitude that is bound to change your attitude, thus, your life... Pick anyone of these to start, or create your own.

Before You Begin:

First, find a quiet moment and relax your breathing and your body. Then close your eyes and let go of any or all expectations you have of yourself and/or others. Next, put yourself in the mind frame and vibrational energy you want to feel. Now, fill your belly with air like a balloon, from your nostrils. Hold for few seconds allowing the fresh air to circulate in the womb. After a few seconds, expel the air out slowly through pursed lips; while squeezing your kegel until your bellybutton touches your spine. Stay focused on the rise and fall of your belly. You may choose to use visualization as you wish. Repeat the breathing exercise until you feel completely relaxed. Slowly open your eyes and come back to reality. Begin reading/repeating your chosen affirmations.

clip art: lady reading


Pick the ones that resonate with how you want to feel and repeat until you embody it.
  1. I am great!
  2. I am worth it.
  3. I deserve to be loved.
  4. I am loveable.
  5. I deserve the best.
  6. I am important.
  7. I matter.
  8. I have a lot to offer.
  9. I am a great contributor.
  10. I am a great friend/colleague/family member.
  11. I love my family/friends.
  12. I am ambitious and self-motivated.
  13. I am creative and resourceful.
  14. I have a great sense of humour.
  15. I choose to respect myself and others.
  16. I trust my judgments.
  17. I will find a way. 
  18. I am a great communicator.
  19. I am beautiful. I was created in the image of God.
  20. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  21. I am smart.
  22. I am intelligent.
  23. I am strong, confident and courageous; I will not be afraid.
  24. Everything I need, I have. My cup runneth over.
  25. I am patient and kind; I am exactly where I need to be right now.
  26. I am abundantly blessed.
  27. I am comforted.
  28. I have joy in my heart.
  29. God will supply all my needs. The Lord is my Sheppard; I shall not want.
  30. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  31. I love my life!
  32. I love my job, I love my job, I love my job.
  33. I am powerful beyond measures.
  34. I am the Lord's anointed. No weapons formed against me shall prosper.
  35. I will fear no evil.
  36. What is for me is for me; no one can stop what God intended for me.
  37. God is with me.
  38. I am loved.
  39. God is my refuge and strength; a very present help in times of need.
  40. The Lord of host encamps around me
  41. I am a winner!
  42. Nothing can separate me from god's love.
  43. I am a child of the King.
  44. Everything happens for a good reason and for but a season.
  45. I see beauty in everything.
  46. I am like a tree planted by the river of waters.
  47. I have nothing to fear but fear itself.
  48. Prayer changes things.
  49. I trust in god's plan for my life.
  50. Life is a journey; I will enjoy the ride. 
  51. Today, I will forgive and forget so that I can heal and move on.
  52. The rest of my life is the best of my life.
  53. The best is yet to come!
  54. I can only change myself. The only person I can control is me.
  55. I will remain patient, hopeful and joyful.
  56. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
  57. Today, I choose faith over fear.
  58. I am allowed to let go of people who are not contributing to my growth or meant to be in my life.
  59. This too shall pass.
  60. God answers prayer.
  61. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
  62. God will heal my broken heart.
  63. Sunshine and rainbow always come after the rain.
  64. I am blessed.
  65. I am me. I will be me.

How to create your own affirmations:

  • Always use the personal pronoun “I, to make it more personal.
  • Use positive action words such as: (I can… I am… I choose… I deserve…) 
  • Keep it present as if it is your current reality... (e.g.: I am in good physical health. *even if you are not*) The trick is to re-program your mind and change your mindset. Remember, what you think, you become.
  • Turn your negative statements into positive ones. (No more: I can't, I don't, I am afraid...)
  • Choose affirmations that are best for the moment
  • Write down your affirmations and post them where you can see them on a daily basis. 
  • Say them out loud at least once a day on a regular basis. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile while repeating them.
Affirmations are encouragements for the soul. Use them daily to invite feel good psyche and get what you want out of life.

Until next time,
Be blessed, be bold, be strong be you!
Andrene Gregory is a life coach with certification in LifeSkills training and Personality Dimensions. She helps to empower adults to live a strength-based life, regain their confidence and find the courage to get through life's challenging situations. Her unique approach to getting desired results includes personality assessment, self-knowledge, goal setting, and action planning.

Andrene provided one-on-one coaching and group workshops. Find out more at


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