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What's the difference among intuition, instinct, and judgment?

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Have you ever wondered what exactly is the difference between "Intuition," "Judgment" and "Instinct?" We sometimes use them interchangeably to mean one and the same. I stumbled upon a Quora's answer. In short, intuition is acquired and instinct is inherent - but both allow us to react without judgment. Judgment is a conscious act and involves reasoning.


The ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason. It's automatic without requiring thought. Think of how with experience to something, you can automatically react to a situation because your mind has internalised a response.


Human inherent inclination to react to a situation, due to unlearned and inherited patterns. It can be regarded as genetic almost - being programmed to think and act a certain way.



A cognitive process that results in an opinion about something. Unlike instinct and intuition, it involves reasoning.

My synopsis in short:

  • Intuition is what naturally comes to mind based on our divine perception -- what we know deep down to be right or wrong
  • Instinct is you gut reaction - what your heart and your mind are telling you to do and feel.
  • Judgment is what we come up with after we have put some thought into it, based on our surroundings and what we've been exposed to—basically, our formative opinion.
"The Brain- It's Your Institution - Use It Wisely."
 ~ Andrene Gregory

Therefore, let your intuition be your guide to trust your instinct to make the right judgment.


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