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When They Tell You "You Can't"

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were SO completely in your element then someone came along and doubted you? How did that make you feel? We've all been there. ⁤⁤Someone looks you in the eye and says, "You can't do it." ⁤⁤Those words can cut deep, whether it's a dream, a goal, or a simple task. ⁤⁤In those moments of doubt, you must embrace the opportunity to discover your strength and full potential. ⁤

⁤The Moment of Self-Doubt ⁤

When someone tells you you can't, it's easy to fall into a spiral of self-doubt. ⁤⁤You might start to think what if they're right? ⁤⁤Sitting on the metaphorical couch of life, the child in you begins to feel small and incapable. You wonder, "What was I thinking." ⁤⁤Know this, it is only a phase. ⁤ Don't throw in the towel quite yet. By that, I mean do quit in defeat. The phrase "throw in the towel" comes from the arena of boxing. A fighter indicates surrender by requesting that a towel be thrown into the ring.

⁤The Spark of Anger ⁤

Some people let a spark of anger ⁤⁤fuel the fire within to motivate them. "How dare they doubt me?" ⁤⁤This anger is not a negative emotion but a powerful catalyst. ⁤⁤It is the fuel for your determination. ⁤⁤See it as the universe challenging you to rise above the doubters and prove them all wrong. ⁤But, don't get arrogant. Seek professional guidance and set small, achievable goals. These will keep you grounded and focused.

⁤The Clarity of Vision ⁤

Amidst the scruple, there is always a moment of clarity. ⁤⁤If you take time to seek support from friends, family and mentors, it can catapult you to the next level. Your support system is an invaluable resource. Never overlook the value they bring to you. Take time to reflect and adjust your approach. Soon, you will realize what you need to do. ⁤⁤Your eye-popping moment is where the path to overcoming obstacles becomes clear. ⁤⁤Focus on this vision and let it guide your actions. ⁤

⁤Full Circle of Doubt ⁤

⁤Realize that even after you've charted your course, doubts, and fear, may still creep in. ⁤⁤The cycle is certainly relentless. ⁤⁤But remember, the journey to success is not a straight line. ⁤⁤It's filled with ups and downs, moments of doubt and moments of clarity. ⁤⁤Welcome the process. ⁤⁤Each step in this tug of war, whether forward or backward, brings you closer to your goal. ⁤

⁤Embrace the Journey ⁤

⁤I tell you this, every "you can't" is an opportunity to challenge yourself—to push your limits and redefine what's possible for you. ⁤⁤The next time someone doubts you or tells you that you can't, remember, you hold the power to prove them wrong. ⁤

⁤Stay strong, stay focused, and keep moving forward. ⁤⁤Your journey is only beginning. ⁤


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