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How Effectively Do You Balance Work and Personal Life?

a person with afro hair covering their face with their hands while sitting in front of a laptop with a cup on the desk.

Work-Life Balance: An Overview

Some may tell you that there is no such thing as work-life balance, but that's not trueThey have even changed the term to work-life harmony to make it more acceptable. However, work-life balance is defined as a state of equilibrium. But what does equilibrium even mean? Equilibrium refers to the state or condition of life where opposing aspects of our lives are brought to equanimity to offset the levels of stress and burnout in one's life with serenity and stability. 

In the case of career versus personal life where one area is ineffective and the other is super effective, we strive to make the ineffective more effective to compensate for the less effective areas. Chapter 2 of the book, Ahh... to Zen! An A-to-Z Guide to a Great Life, explores this concept in detail. However, this blog post aims to provide an overview of work-life balance with some tips on how you might achieve it.

That said, achieving balance between our personal and professional lives can be daunting, at first, but it is possible and essential for our well-being. It is not about having more free time but having more quality time in each area. Some of the common issues that most people face when trying to achieve work-life balance are managing overtime at work, personal time, family time, and self-care.

You Are the Only Person Fit for This Job:

Notwithstanding, achieving work-life balance is a personal journey. It requires self-awareness, determination, and perseveranceAs Maya Angelou once famously said: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” The key is to recognize your own needs and priorities. What makes you feel satisfied, joyful, and fulfilled? Once you realize this, you can start making changes to create more equilibrium in your life. Remember, you are the only one fit for this job. While there are things and people you must consider, no one can achieve your balance for you. So make it your personal endeavour. 

Tips For Achieving Work-Life Balance:

Say Yes to Yourself!

Saying yes to yourself is one of the critical steps to achieving work-life balance. Self-care is not selfish; it's essential. Doing something that raises your inner vibration can have a cathartic effect to saying yes to yourself.

Take Breaks

Working yourself to the bones or burning the proverbial candle at both ends will not benefit you in the end. It is counterproductive. Practice saying no to additional tasks and responsibilities. Rest is good for the soul. 

Use the Tools in Your Toolbox:

Some of my favourite tools are the Eisenhower matrix and the 4 D's of prioritization.

  • Do what is urgent and important.
  • Delegate what is urgent but unimportant.
  • Delay what is important but not urgent.
  • Discard what is neither unimportant nor urgent.

Choose an accountability partner who will hold you to your decisions. Your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellness should be your first priority. Ask yourself: How will doing this thing make me feel when all is said and done?

EISENHOWER 4 D Impact Effort Matrix for Brainstorming
Eisenhower Matrix /4 D's of Prioritization

Achieving work-life balance is no easy feat, but it's possible with patience, effort, and self-love. As a life coach, I would love to help you navigate this journeyWe'll explore your values, priorities, and goals to find a balance that works for you. The rewards are worth it. 

Remember, both your personal and professional life are important to your growth and developmentThe two can harmoniously co-exist if you care about it and put in the work to achieve it.

If you're ready to take the first step towards greater equilibriumlet's embark on this journey together. Say yes to yourself today! You can reach out to me via my social media handle @aggiestrongulc.

So, are you ready to strike that balance? Get in touch!

Your Life Coach,



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