Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were SO completely in your element then someone came along and doubted you? How did that make you feel? We've all been there. Someone looks you in the eye and says, "You can't do it." Those words can cut deep, whether it's a dream, a goal, or a simple task. In those moments of doubt, you must embrace the opportunity to discover your strength and full potential. The Moment of Self-Doubt When someone tells you you can't, it's easy to fall into a spiral of self-doubt. You might start to think what if they're right? Sitting on the metaphorical couch of life, the child in you begins to feel small and incapable. You wonder, "What was I thinking." Know this, it is only a phase. Don't throw in the towel quite yet. By that, I mean do quit in defeat. The phrase "throw in the towel" comes from the arena of boxing. A fighter indicates surrender by requesting that a...
Getting You Through Any Life Situation, Empowering Your Growth.