Weight is an everyday epidemic. We have all struggled with it at one point in our lives or the other. Whether it is to lose it or to gain it.
One of the biggest contributor to gaining or losing weight is STRESS! There is no doubt then that to lose weight, means first and foremost to reduce unnecessary stress in your life. One way to reduce negative stress is to infuse your life with more activities of mindfulness to ward off boredom and anxiety.
If you are struggling with weight loss or know someone who is, I hope my story will help you on your journey. I have found this awesome video to give you any extra push you may need (not intended as a promotion or endorsement; simply for information). Have Faith and trust in the process! Be kind and gentle with yourself! You can do it!
If your goal this year is to drop some pounds, kudos to you! Losing weight is one of the best goals to set for yourself. Weight control is paramount to our health, happiness and livelihood. Without our health, we can not really achieve much of anything or as much we would like to.
Losing weight is not just about eating less or exercising more. To lose weight, you MUST make a conscious self-determination to make it happen. It requires careful planning of meals and activities, a lot of sacrifices and someone to hold you accountable. You will also need some creativity and a lot of faith in yourself for your weight loss plan for it to come to fruition.
I personally know the struggles and the efforts of weight control. From trying to gain weight in my early 20s to trying to lose it in my 30s. Let me tell you about my weight loss challenge in 2001-2002. Here is what the process looked like together with the before and after photos of me throughout my Jenny Craig journey.
I wanted to feel confident and sexy again. So I picked up the phone right then and there and booked my first weight loss consultation. I went in, got weighed and measured, and after discussing my goal and few technicalities, I picked out my food, paid for it and left.
The following week I went in to get weighed and measured again. I was ecstatic! I had lost 7 pounds! They said something to the fact that it was not a typical result and that the first 3 to 5 pounds was only water weight. So technically, I had only lost 2 to 3 pounds, realistically. But water weight or no water weight, I was excited to be 7 pounds lighter.
I carefully selected my food for the following week and said my goodbyes. I couldn't wait to share the good news and go shopping for my fresh produce and other recommended items. The Jenny Craig plan recommends eating three complete meals per day, plus snacks in between and your dessert too. What? I can have my cake and eat it too? Sweeet! Planning my meals and activities quickly became one of the best parts of my week.
Over this period, I had transitioned from McDonald's kitchen to my own kitchen: planning proper meals for girls and myself. I had learned how to shop properly, read food labels, count calories, portion control and how to properly order from a restaurant menu. Food was no longer the enemy. It had become my ally and partner in the diet war. I was no longer using food to combat stress but to ward it off. I had found a new appreciation for something I had long thought of as the enemy. Why? Because I finally took responsibility and charge for my eating habit and had people to help me understand it and guided me through the process.
Every evening after supper, I would go for a brisk walk/jog down the street and back. If I was up to it, I would go around the entire block (the green area). Sometimes I had the company of an older lady—my walking buddy—but most times I just went alone.
The point is, all you need is self-motivation and determination to achieve your goals. If it is going to be, it is going to be up to you. I could have easily made all sorts of excuses not to go for my walks: from not having a babysitter, it's snowing, can't afford a gym membership, you name it. I could have used any excuse in the book, for Lord knows, there are plenty. But when you want it bad enough, you get it! You do what needs to be done: running the grocery cart back to the stall, getting off the bus one stop earlier, getting off the couch and cleaning your house are all ways to burn extra calories and boost your metabolism.
You may not be able to lose 30 or even 20 pounds in three months, but the fact is, if you put your mind to it, and can discipline yourself hard enough, you too can achieve your weight loss goal or any other goal you want. Simply set a realistic timeline for you (with the help of your coach) and don't beat yourself up.
To achieve mastery at anything you have to be consistent, disciplined and courageous. Weight loss is more that just going on a diet. It is a lifestyle change: it involves proper eating habits, portion control, sleep hygiene and exercising. A brisk 30 minutes walk is all it takes. It's not easy, but I know you too can do it if you set your mind to it!
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Starting out: 187 lbs |
Starting out:
It started in the summer of 2001 while sitting in front of the T.V. when the Jenny Craig commercial came on inviting me on a journey to find my new self. At the time I was fluctuating between 189 - 185 lb., a separated mother of two precious little girls who was heavy, frustrated, fatigued and ashamed of her weight. The thought of being almost 200 lbs was driving me into near depression. I couldn't believe that I was as heavy as my mother was. I may not look obese in this photo, but at 5ft 8ins, I carry my weight extremely well.I wanted to feel confident and sexy again. So I picked up the phone right then and there and booked my first weight loss consultation. I went in, got weighed and measured, and after discussing my goal and few technicalities, I picked out my food, paid for it and left.

I carefully selected my food for the following week and said my goodbyes. I couldn't wait to share the good news and go shopping for my fresh produce and other recommended items. The Jenny Craig plan recommends eating three complete meals per day, plus snacks in between and your dessert too. What? I can have my cake and eat it too? Sweeet! Planning my meals and activities quickly became one of the best parts of my week.
Over this period, I had transitioned from McDonald's kitchen to my own kitchen: planning proper meals for girls and myself. I had learned how to shop properly, read food labels, count calories, portion control and how to properly order from a restaurant menu. Food was no longer the enemy. It had become my ally and partner in the diet war. I was no longer using food to combat stress but to ward it off. I had found a new appreciation for something I had long thought of as the enemy. Why? Because I finally took responsibility and charge for my eating habit and had people to help me understand it and guided me through the process.
Half way through:
Here I am halfway through the process. Do the math: my start weight was 189. My target weight was 158 lbs (my ideal BMI). See, I was granted a new lease on life and I had no plan to waste time on it. I got rid of the weave and chopped off my own hair. I was proud of who I was becoming: confident and empowered. I continued my weekly check-ins, purchased my Jenny Craig food, went shopping for fresh produce, cut out/reduced my intake of salt, sugar, starch, caffeine and fat; and boost my water and fibre intake.
Not only did I had to unlearn and relearn how to shop and prepare my meals, I also had a complete lifestyle change. Thanks to the wonderful consultants at Jenny Craig. They were supportive, kind and encouraging.
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Halfway through |
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Map: My walking route |
The point is, all you need is self-motivation and determination to achieve your goals. If it is going to be, it is going to be up to you. I could have easily made all sorts of excuses not to go for my walks: from not having a babysitter, it's snowing, can't afford a gym membership, you name it. I could have used any excuse in the book, for Lord knows, there are plenty. But when you want it bad enough, you get it! You do what needs to be done: running the grocery cart back to the stall, getting off the bus one stop earlier, getting off the couch and cleaning your house are all ways to burn extra calories and boost your metabolism.
Three months later:
One of my greatest weakness is being impatient—or maybe it is a blessing in disguise. The beautiful thing about weaknesses is that you can flip them around and they immediately become a strength. You see, what seems like impatience on one end of the spectrum, is called results oriented on the other end. However, this thing, whatever it is, caused me to have one of the quickest transformation my Jenny Craig office had ever seen. In just 3 months I had not only made my goal but surpassed it.You may not be able to lose 30 or even 20 pounds in three months, but the fact is, if you put your mind to it, and can discipline yourself hard enough, you too can achieve your weight loss goal or any other goal you want. Simply set a realistic timeline for you (with the help of your coach) and don't beat yourself up.
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The new me: completing my challenge in 3 months at 155 lbs |
One year later:
The good news is, I was able to maintain my weight loss for a full year. It wasn't easy, but it was possible. Not because I am perfect, but because I was determined to. I did not want to go back to what I used to be. I loved the new me. I felt more esteemed, sexier and more confident than ever. I was more energetic and a lot less stressed. Most of all, I enjoyed my new lifestyle: I was happier and healthier. It took a lot to reprogrammed my thoughts and relationship with food, to learn how to make better food choices and activities. Dieting is about developing a healthy relationship with food: taking the time to chew your food properly, savouring every flavour and allowing time for proper digestion to take place. The latter means, cultivating time and space to salivate and romance your food without distractions. All this I learned on the Jenny Craig program and the reason I managed to maintained my weight loss, something I am very proud of. So, no more stuff and go. My mom always said: "If you want good, your nose have to run." I finally understood what that meant.To achieve mastery at anything you have to be consistent, disciplined and courageous. Weight loss is more that just going on a diet. It is a lifestyle change: it involves proper eating habits, portion control, sleep hygiene and exercising. A brisk 30 minutes walk is all it takes. It's not easy, but I know you too can do it if you set your mind to it!
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Maintaining Me: One year later! 158.6 lbs |
If you are struggling with weight loss or know someone who is, I hope my story will help you on your journey. I have found this awesome video to give you any extra push you may need (not intended as a promotion or endorsement; simply for information). Have Faith and trust in the process! Be kind and gentle with yourself! You can do it!
Until next time,
Andrene Gregory is a life coach with certification in LifeSkills training and Personality Dimensions. She helps adults live a strength-based life, regain their confidence and find the courage to navigate through challenging situations. Her unique approach to getting desired results includes personality assessment, self-knowledge, goal setting, and action planning.
Andrene provided one-on-one coaching and group workshops. Find out more at aggiestrongulc.com
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