What is Success? The Universal definition of the word itself is: 'The accomplishment of an aim or purpose." The reasons most people struggle to become successful is because they do not have an aim or purpose. They want the results or the benefits of the aim without the aim itself. You see, if you go about throwing a ball in the air without aiming at the net, by chance it may fall through the net. But nine times out of ten, I guarantee you; it will not even come close to the net, let alone falling through it. Too many of us go about life aimlessly living our lives by chance. Even the Bible tells us that by the sweat of our brow we shall eat bread. Meaning, one must do something purposefully, to get what they want in life. Without further ado, here are the three reasons people struggle so much to get success:
Getting You Through Any Life Situation, Empowering Your Growth.