Feedback is a sandwich that is best served warm and gooey but never sloppy. The number one reason we have so many conflicts in our relationships, especially professional ones, is because we fail to give timely and proper feedback. I guarantee that among the top reasons for high employee turnover is a lack of or delayed feedback. Feedback delayed is growth denied. As part of Toastmasters' International leadership and communication programs, every Toastmaster (or mistress) must learn the importance of giving and receiving receptive feedback. It is crucial that those in authority practice and master this very useful and important skill. It is evident, though, that most authorities find it uncomfortable and will be passive-aggressive in their delivery. This behavior is extremely detrimental to companies' morale as well as personal and professional relationships. It will cause even the best employee, student, spouse or child to shrink or stagnate. When efforts are not recogni...
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