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7 Must Make Resolutions for 2017

Happy 2017!

The beginning of the new year means time to begin a new chapter in your life or career and give yourself a fresh start! Maybe you've seen my New Years Eve Apothecary Jar of 365 Noteworthy Things To Do in 2017 or maybe you've decided to change some old habits, reduce stress, switch up your spending or eating habits, or simply spend more time with your family or friends. Whatever it is, I am sure it is noteworthy! Taking time out of your busy schedule to reflect on the past year and think about ways to improve your personal and professional aspirations is definitely a great way start the new year. Without any further ado, here are my top seven 2017 resolutions to help you claim this year yours!

1. Resolve To Be Your Best Self Ever!


Being yourself is not necessarily the best thing you can be. Some of us have toxic behavior that truly doesn't serve us too well. But trying to be someone else is stifling. So, this year, don't be yourself.

Don't try to be professional.
Don't try to sound smart.
Don't try to look pretty, sexy, hot or cool.
Don't try to impress anyone.

Just be! Be the best you can be in all that you say and do. Feature your brightest smile, wear your most flattering clothes, choose premium people to hang out with, and act as if you are already the person you want to become--a better person, a better leader, a better parent, and so forth.

2. Resolve To Embrace Change

caterpillar, transformation

I can't say it enough. Life is about changes. Adapting this triple-A triad will make your life so much easier:

  • Acknowledge it. 
  • Accept it.
  • Appreciate it.

Always strive to see the good in everything. Give thanks and praise for everything--good or bad--trust me, there is always a silver lining even in the darkest of clouds. For sure you are human and life sometimes gets you down, but don't stay down there. Give yourself permission to feel sorry for yourself, but just for a little while. Life is too limited to fret and fight over things out of your control.

3. Resolve To Do Yourself a Favor!

We are always doing favors for others. This year, count yourself in! Do something nice for yourself that will have a long and lasting impact on you and give you and an added edge. (If it also happen to serve others in the process, more power to you!) As the saying goes: "Do something today your future self will thank you for."

4. Resolve To  Lose the Weight

bright sky above clouds

We all have things weighing us down. But in order to transcend, we must lose the excess baggage. Rise above it. This year, do a thorough assessment of your life to truly discover what it is that's weighing you down. Too often we treat just the effects and not the cause. We allow our lives to carry on in an abyss of confusion with the weight of the world on our shoulders. So this year, find what is weighing you down and curb it! Be it your diet, your habits, addiction, abuse, clutter, negative energy.... Whatever it is, let it go! Take it to the curb and lose it.  Free yourself and go light. Letting go is a sign of valuing yourself.

5. Resolve To Embrace New and Bold Ways to Stand Out!

Bright, bold colors, Umbrellas, stand out

Just say yes! Then figure it out later. Never give up an opportunity to stand out and set yourself apart. Don't schedule yourself so tightly that you have no wiggle room for growth. Keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities. Make more connections and bolder impressions. Allow the law of attraction to align you with your desires and be prepared to accept them when they come true.

6. Resolve To Create Your Apothecary Jar of Things To Do

Bull's eye and arrow, goal setting

This is the best way to accomplish your goals and set yourself apart. Not to be biased, but I think it is the best thing ever! It's a great complement to your goal setting and vision board tools. My daughter calls it the Goal Genie. Check it out here.

7. Resolve To Pay Close Attention to Your Words

Dictionary, words

Too often we are loose with our lips. We say things that are ambiguous and left to others interpretation and not what we actually mean. This year, resolved to be deliberate and purposeful when you speak. Speak only to what you want to manifest in your life or career. Choose your words carefully or let your silence be your sword.  Say what you mean and mean what you say. Also, eliminate the following words from your vocabulary:
  • Try - Going back to resolution number one, don't "try" to be, do, have or say anything or anyone. Just be it, do it, claim it, or say it!
  • I don't know - Absolutely no-no this year. Replace it with ghee! Haven't thought about it...Let me get back to you on that...or anything that indicates an active state of being rather than a passive or reactive state of being. You are in control. Be in the know.
  • I can't... - Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to. So choose to say instead, I have never done it before, but I welcome the challenge. Or, I will not be able to take that on right now, you may have to defer that to someone else or for a later date or time
  • Sorry - Unless you are truly apologizing to someone for trespassing against them, don't say sorry. Simply say what you need to say without apologizing for being you.
  • I don't care (about XYZ) - Let me let you in on a little secret, people who say that they don't care (about something) are usually the ones who do. They just say that to protect their ego from bruising in case what they want doesn't come to fruition. Besides, when you say you don't care about something you actually do care about (even a little bit) you take yourself out of the running for it. People will look for other people who actually say/show that they care when the time comes for consideration.

Making new years resolutions may seem trivial or mundane, but it is actually a promise you make to yourself. People who can't bother to keep the promises they make to themselves for themselves won't actually keep any promises they make to you. Take some time to write them down and elaborate on ways to make them into full-fledged goals with objective and daily tasks.  Science has actually proven that people with goals to work towards are more focused, grounded and successful. Adapt these seven resolutions and make a significant impact in your overall life!

This is AggieStrong,
Have a strong year!
Be blessed. Be Bold. Be Strong. Be You!

Andrene Gregory
Andrene Gregory is a life coach at Aggie Strong Ultimate Life Coaching Services. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn for more tidbits of information and learn more about her. She provides one-to-one coaching and group workshops to adults seeking to improve their life skills, lifestyle and leadership capabilities for greater personal power and a  balanced life.


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