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Showing posts from 2017

Overcoming Distractions, Discouragement, and Discord

Life is full of light and darkness.   What matters most is what we choose to focus on and knowing what to let go of.   We've all wrestled with the demons of distractions, discouragement, and discord from time to time.   The sooner we learn to destroy them effectively, the sooner we will start walking into our destiny.   In this post, we will look at strategies to defeat these demons to ensure that they don't continue to disrupt our lives and career.   DISTRACTION : According to Google, distraction is anything that prevents us from giving our full attention to something else.   That said, distraction is not all bad. Sometimes we need to divert our attention from one thing or the other lest we become obsessive-compulsive about it—which is no good in the end. Even the scripture tells us there is a time and a season for everything. Distraction can be mental, actual, emotional, or spiritual.   It can be pleasurable or painful. It's all a matter of...

Feedback Is Best Served Warm

Feedback is a sandwich that is best served warm and gooey but never sloppy. The number one reason we have so many conflicts in our relationships, especially professional ones, is because we fail to give timely and proper feedback. I guarantee that among the top reasons for high employee turnover is a lack of or delayed feedback. Feedback delayed is growth denied. As part of Toastmasters' International leadership and communication programs, every Toastmaster (or mistress) must learn the importance of giving and receiving receptive feedback. It is crucial that those in authority practice and master this very useful and important skill. It is evident, though, that most authorities find it uncomfortable and will be passive-aggressive in their delivery. This behavior is extremely detrimental to companies' morale as well as personal and professional relationships. It will cause even the best employee, student, spouse or child to shrink or stagnate. When efforts are not recogni...

5 Quotes For Maintaining Your Motivation

Title Image - Whatever you do - do it with all your heart Finding confidence and courage to get up and go after what you say you want can be daunting at times, but if you want to experience the benefits of success, you have to put in the work. With 2017 quickly approaching the half-way mark, there is no better time to get inspired and fired up! Assessing the mid-way point now will help to determine who you are becoming, what you've done so far, and what extra efforts you need to put in. It's time to stir the simmering pot of goals so that nothing gets stuck. That said, here are my top five life changing quotes to help motivate you and keep you moving forward. 1.  Quit talking and start doing Walt Disney We all know people, maybe you are one of them, who talk endlessly about their big dreams and audacious ideas but never put a plan in place to accomplish them much less get started. If you are one of those people, Walter (Waltz) Disney would suggest you shut up and...


Beautiful flower from my vase The biggest misconception today is that people who are socially active or have lots of friends aren't or shouldn't be lonely. As a matter of fact, some of the loneliest people in the world have the most "so-called" friends. The problem is, they are in unrequited relationships. Relationships where the feelings are not mutual or not returned.   Let's take that guy who committed suicide a few years ago, umm—Robbin Williams! Who would have thought that someone like him would have this kind of problem?   What most people oftentimes fail to realize is that loneliness is a psychological complexity that is half disease and half self-imposed; and that, left untreated, can become debilitating, crippling, or even life-threatening.   The Lonely Christians Gen 2:18 - Helpmate I must confess. This post was inspired by a Christian client who said to me, she wishes someone could write about loneliness. So I told her I wou...

5 Benefits Of Strategic Networking

Blog post title: 4 Benefits of Strategic Networking - Credit: author "Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better." — Jim Rohn There are many benefits to networking. Whether you live abroad or you live in Canada; or whether you are looking for a job, or to start or grow your own business, or just looking to broaden your perspective, the benefits are the same across the board. But today I will share just five with you. They are: connection, collaboration and confidence; opportunities; mentorship; savings; and influence and impact. Connection, Collaboration, Confidence (C³) Considering your starting point or biggest hurdle is that you don't know enough people, the first benefit is that you are able to connect and collaborate with people from all over the globe—near and far. This leads to broader perspective and base. In doing so, you automatically boost your confidence. Professional networking forces you to talk to people you wouldn't normally...

Keys For Changing Reckless Spending Habits And Saving More

AggieStrong blog post title image Part 3: Mindful Money Meditation When you are struggling financially, you can become overwhelmed with prolong penny pinching all the time to the point where you self-destruct and blow your budget. You may start to recklessly ignore your financial responsibilities in life. You may even refuse to talk about your financial roadblocks with those who could really help you; such as your lender or financial advisor out sheer shame or guilt. You become so self-absorb, you only see yourself and the huge mountain of bills blocking your blessing. This is the exactly the time when you shift your focus to a mindset of gratitude and abundance. As you do that, you will start responding to a different frequency instead of the financial pitfalls. Meanwhile, eliminate some of the destructive thoughts and beliefs you hold about money—whatever they are. Ask yourself: What negative beliefs do I hold about money? Where did they come from and why? Endeavour to b...