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Life is full of ups and down and lots of rules. Unfortunately there in no only single path or a direct line to personal best.  Knowing what to do is often downright daunting and confusing.  Here are 5 simple ways to get the most out of life and help you live your best life ever!


On your journey to becoming a great person, it is important you check your attitude as often as possible or you may miss new opportunities and helpful feedback.  If feeling bothered—judged, mistreated or misunderstood—letting others know that something is bothering you in advance would be more appropriate and is much better than sulking or being rude.  It is also a great tactic to temper arguments and ill feelings.  Schedule a private sit down talk with the person for when you think you might be in a better mood.  This trumps giving attitude—withdrawing, yelling, sulking or pouting.  A private chat is worth a lifetime relationship!


A lot of success is to gain from practicing your craft.  It is very important to set goals, make plans to achieve your dreams, review steps, make corrections and adjustment, as well as familiarize yourself with key words and terminology so you can feel clear and ready for life lessons.  The fastest way to improve personally and professionally is to read industry books and materials in your spare time and make a connection with influencers for greater clarity and confidence.


Begin your day by giving thanks and praise to your creator and Life Source.  A heart filled with gratitude will raise your altitude—always give thanks for waking up to a new day and new possibilities.  Appreciate those who help you.  Spend a few minutes early in the morning meditating or praying or just focusing on your breath and setting your intentions for the day.  This will make sure you are ready to deal with the unexpected.  Others will notice these subtle changes and know you are serious about your life and your success.

Practice stretching or exercising when you get a chance or block out time for physical exercise and don’t forget to get plenty of rest and relaxation.  When heading out, always be attentive to your attire. Choosing the right pieces to compliment the occasion and your personality will boost your confidence and self-esteem a bit.  Keep your hair clean and styled to compliment your face.  Ensure your personal hygiene is on par.  Wear clean clothes, socks, and underwear every day.  Concentrate on yourself and apply these things to your self-care regime, if not already doing so, and you’ll halfway there.  Being disciplined is the fastest way to becoming a better you!


Life requires spiritual, mental, emotional and physical growth.  It's important that you incorporate a healthy, balanced and timely diet into your daily routine to make sure you have plenty of energy throughout the day as well as to ward off stress, anxiety and other ailments.  Never skip breakfast, unless you are fasting.  Have a nutritionally balanced lunch and dinner and snacks in between. Having a dessert is great as it wards off cravings.  Just remember everything in moderation.  Staying hydrated is extremely important.  Always carry a bottle of water with you and try to drink at least 40 ounces of liquid every day.


Everyone is unique—find your strength and focus on them. We all have flaws.  Those things about ourselves we don't like or others find unflattering. At the end of the day, the only thing we can do is to put our "best foot" forward. It is important to not compare yourself to others.  Refuse the urge to constantly complain, condemn, criticize or compete. More importantly, shift your mindset—get a new way of thinking.  Compliment yourself and others every day.  Positive self-talk is among the key habits of successful people.  Don't beat up yourself over mistakes you make. Everyone make mistakes. This doesn't mean you are dumb or stupid. You made a mistake, that's all.  Accept it, fix it—if you can, or at least be accountable for it and move on. If others can't, that's their loss.  The key thing about a mistake is to find the lessons.  Focus on making improvements daily and keep your sense of humor.

To that end, the happier a person you tend to be, the better you tend to do and the further you tend to get in life than those seemingly or obviously frustrated or sad.  Respect yourself and accept both the good and the bad about yourself and others and hopefully, they are doing the same.  Live your life based on your values, and base your values on principles instead of on people.  Don't allow popularity to drive you; instead, let your passion drive you.  When you allow popularity or trends to drive you, you start to compare yourself to others leading to negative emotions such as sadness, confusion, stress and bad attitude.  The opposite of what you want.  It is said, insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.”  Picture it for a moment…that is batshit crazy! Wouldn't you agree?  So, don't be insane.  

If your life is not going as well as you’d hope, following those 5 simple steps will take you along the paths to personal best! Live your best life ever!


Andrene Gregory is a life coach with certification in LifeSkills training and Personality Dimensions. She helps empower adults to live a strength-based life, regain their confidence and find the courage to get through life's challenging situations. Her unique approach to getting desired results includes personality assessment, self-knowledge, goal setting, and action planning.

Andrene provides one-on-one coaching and group workshops. Find out more at


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