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The word leader conjures up thoughts of power and sophistication and while all that may be true, many so-called leaders nowadays know nothing about either. Put a person in a management role and they automatically start fooling themselves that they are a leader.  While they may be in a position to tell people what to do and even boss them around, that doesn’t mean that they are a leader by any stretch of the imagination.  

For a long time, I worked for a company with a lot of quasi-leaders with neither the flair nor sophistication to lead blind mice.  They were rude, telling and lack compassion. 
Yes, they knew their job but that was about all that they really knew. It was through observing them that I learnt what great leaders are supposed to be.  To be a true leader, you must find the median by which you will lead your flock. Here in this simple everyday saying is a recipe for greatness...

sassy classy and a bit bad assy

I love clothes and fashion and style, but being classy is not just about clothes and far from trends. It is about being true to you and wearing clothes and accessories that complement your body and personality. It's a combination of being courteous and confident yet stylish and sophisticated. You see, being stuck up or spitting slurs and sarcasm is not sophisticated—any dummy can do that. While you must respectfully represent yourself on the outside and look chic all the time, you must also have respect and concern for fellow human beings.  The impact is in what you do and how you behave, not so much in what you wear.


Some people think sassy means being rude but that couldn’t be further from truth. To be sassy is to be quick witted, intelligent and bold. To speak your truth without fear or intimidation with a bit of spunk yet showing respect for the other parties involved. It's about having a way with words that shows guts and Chutzpah! The difference between sassy and rude is attitude and self-control—you've got to have the right attitude and be able to regulate yourself to pull off sassy. It's a bit like "Kids say the darnedest thing." sort of way.  You say what you mean and mean what you say.  No bullshit, no pretence.


Now the awesome part—Bad Assy! For me, the epitome of a badass person is to be strong. You know, cool, confident and collected on the outside but a diehard, tough rebel on the inside. Don't mess with me or take me for granted type of person. We all got a little bit of hooligan or gangsta in us, if not, you've got to learn to toughen up. It's called street-smart—skilled in dealing with difficult people and/or situations. Because there is nothing cool, fun, awesome or admirable about being a pushover all the time. And leaders are admirable people.

A blend of these three traits begets charisma—power, sophistication, and concern. According to the dictionary, charisma is an attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. And that to me is a true leader.  Who doesn't want that?
(some images were taken from the internet)

Andrene Gregory is a life coach with certification in LifeSkills training and Personality Dimensions. She helps empower adults to live a strength-based life, regain their confidence and find the courage to get through life's challenging situations. Her unique approach to getting desired results includes personality assessment, self-knowledge, goal setting, and action planning.

Andrene provides one-on-one coaching and group workshops. Find out more at


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