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The Power Of Introspection: Self Reflection

The power of introspection: white girl sitting on grass by a large tree in meditative pose, aggiestrong logo
To begin with, let's look at the definition of introspection:
  1. Introspection is the examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings. In psychology the process of introspection relies exclusively on observation of one's mental state, while in a spiritual context it may refer to the examination of one's soul.
In Aggiestrong's term, it is to take a step back and look into one's self or life to see where adjustments need to be made.  Basically, a type of meditation where you reflect on something or your behaviour—not the emptying of the mind type of eastern meditation. This type of meditation or introspection is to get answers and garner strength and wisdom for personal and professional growth. It is to reflect on past actions/behaviours and seek guidance for change and forgiveness
, which will inevitably cause spiritual growth to occur. 

When we introspect, we must focus on our weaknesses and not our strengths. This is reverse psychology 101. In modern day society we are told to focus on our strengths, but when we focus only on our strengths, we miss our point of growth by overlooking what needs to be changed to make us even better—a better person, better wife, better husband, coworker, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, neighbour, friend.

man sitting facing the sunset in quiet introspection
The thing is we all have defects, or faults, or weaknesses. They are a facts of life. What's great about these weaknesses it that they help to balance us out and protect us from evil, eminent harm or danger to ourselves. But we must reflect to see if we are using them for the greater good of mankind. For example, being an aggressive person is often seen as, or considered a negative trait or a weakness, right? But that weakness, if channeled effectively can be a good, even a great thing. You wouldn't want a wishy-washy or passive president to run a country, you would want a president that is a little more than assertive, yet not brutal at the same time. So this is where introspection comes in. It is a time to sit back and reflect in order to make the necessary adjustments in our behaviour for the greater good of the people—be it, the family, the workplace, the country, or self.

To focus on our weaknesses is to let go of ego. It is to truly see ourselves for who we really are and to accept, embrace, and make the necessary adjustments to become even better individuals and partners in society. A good way for us to identify our weakness when we go into introspection, is to recall what people criticize us for. For though the criticisms may be hurtful to our ego, they can be used for personal growth.

Epic inspirational quote: knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom
This is not to say we self-condemn—oh no, not at all.  This is for us to seek growth and garner strength. It is to momentarily separate our physical self from our spiritual self, to step back and hold up the spirit as a mirror to our soul. To see ourselves from an outside perspective.

The true power of introspection is to eradicate our lives of toxicity–the filth, and muck we hold on to; that is more damaging to us, than helpful. It is to radically transform our lives by eliminating, one by one, the things that do not serve us any longer—the things that do not cause growth and prosperity. And then, nurture the self with love and compassion.

A lot of people are afraid of even the thought of being alone or by themselves for even a few minutes. They have to be with someone or have someone to talk to. They are afraid to be confronted alone with their thoughts as if their thoughts are going to bite them—or maybe they will—but no pain, no gain, right? The thing is, you can't run forever. Eventually, those demons will catch up with you. So you might as well cultivate deliberate time for them. Again, focusing on your strengths and achievements is not really going to help you. You must focus on your weaknesses and access where is the greatest need for growth, in our personality, our character, our ways and our attitude. This is the power of introspection!

Image quote: However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light

Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.

Until next time,

Be blessed. Be bold. Be strong. Be you!!


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