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10 Tips to Live an Easygoing, Stress-free Lifestyle:

a person in a white dress standing on a deck looking out to the ocean, aggiestrongulc logo

Are you stressed out, overwhelmed and easily frustrated with your current lifestyle? Do you feel stuck in a rut? Do you find that you are always cooped up inside your home or buried in work at the office all the time? Are you carrying work home? Are your bills stressing you out? Worried about your bank account balance? Stop! Worry no longertake notes from the people living a happier, more contented life, breathe easy, and relax! Here are ten tips to help you along:

1. Simplify your lifestyle.
Don't get involved in too many things all at once, especially if you find yourself dreading your next activity instead of looking forward to it. Find things you enjoy and cultivate time for them. It's ok to say no. Life is simple, don't complicate it.

2. Get organized.
Take time out to reorganize your space, activities and schedule; and thus, your life.

Make a to-do list of all the projects you would love to complete, set a plan of action and get started. There is no time like the present! Set your baggage aside and dust the chips off your shoulders and furniture. Guaranteed, once you start moving, you will feel a lot better and much more relaxed.

3. Surround yourself with fans. 
These are people who will love and support you no matter what! They could be friends, family, people at work or in your community. People who have close relationships with their families tend to be much happier than those who don't. So, surround yourself with the people that you love and who love you!

4. Give yourself a break! 
It is imperative that every now and then you make time for yourself. Take a day off from work, go to a spa, go on a date, or just sleep in. If you have little ones, every now and then, arrange for a babysitter to care for them while you take some quiet time to yourself to read, listen to music, or just simply meditate or visualize. Smile, take a deep breath ahhh!and let it out. Reflect and just appreciate life. 
Tip: whatever you do, take your vacations from work and travel, if you cannot afford to travel, take a stay-cation––not to renovate or spring clean––but to simply purge your head and chill!

5. Fill your space and your air with music.
Music makes the heart sing and singing is good for the soul. This is one of my favourite go-to remedies when feeling blue. As one author says: Instead of listening to sad music or lovey-dovey tunes when you've just come out of a relationship, blast some Bob Marley or Bee-Gees.Whatever you fancy, just keep it happy and lively. Another guarantee you'll start feeling better right away.

A person in shorts and a zebra-stripe tank top sitting on a hammock

6. Fret not thyself.
Two things: Hakuna Matata! It means no worries for the rest of your days. It's our problem-free philosophy. Hakuna Matata!- The Lion King. Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is going to be alright.- Bob Marley. Life is filled with many ups and downs and it is never over until it is over, so why worry when you can sing and pray? One thing I have learned is to keep my head high and my chin up. I know it is easier said than done, but try to keep a positive attitude by being eternally grateful, always giving thanks and praise, and learning to laugh at yourself and about the petty things that bother youdon't sweat the small stuff in life. Confront issues head-on and forgive and let it go. Keep smilingdon't worry, be happy!

7. Money CAN solve a lot of your problems, but it CANNOT buy happiness.
The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. Don't sell your soul to the devil. It is a reality that we cannot survive without money. After all, this is why we go to school to get a good education: so that we can get a great paying job, or even go after our passion or passions and try to turn them into profit. Making money and saving is a very important aspect of life, but we should not let it control our lives. There are a lot of people who are not all wealthy, but nonetheless are very happy because they don't stress about having lots of money or becoming filthy rich. Manage your money, respect it, and control your greed. There is much much more to life than money: such as love, loyalty, and compassion. It is better to be financially bankrupt than to be emotionally, socially, and spiritually bankrupt. Good friends are better than pocket money.- ancient proverb. Count your blessings, not your pennies.

8. Enjoy life!
Go on vacation. You should make an extra effort every day of your life to find ways to incorporate fun into it. Whatever makes you happy, just do it! Only one recommendation: respect other people's space and quiet enjoyment of life. Yogi Bear states: I won't come to your funeral if you don't come to mine.A very interesting concept, it remains the law of reciprocity. Do unto others as you would like done unto you. So eat, drink, dance, laugh, tell funny stories and be merry. Life is too sweet to be bitter! So, never let the pain make you bitter, just better! Don't take life too seriously. Laugh a lot...and every once in a while, laugh out loud!

9. One day at a time.
Relax, breathe and take it easy. Haste makes waste. So, don't hurry. What is yours cannot be taken and what is to be, must be! Simply go along with the flowand if, for whatever reason, you don't like the flow, take a dip or detour. Sometimes going with the flow is not always right or the best course of action, for you. Do what feels right in your gut. There are no mistakes in is just that some of us have to go through certain things in life to be teachers and leaders in society. No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. No trials, no victory! Just pray for the strength and courage to do what you must do. Be reasonable, responsible and respectful. Remember, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never be yours or mine; so just live in the moment and take it one day at a time. This does not mean you do not plan for the future, for failing to plan is planning to fail...just don't let it consume you. Go back to numbers 1 and 4.

10. Know when to walk away.
The sooner you learn to respect yourself and walk away from the things that no longer serve you, or that arent in alignment with your purpose and values in life, the sooner the right things and people will fall into place in your life, and the sooner you will start feeling happy. Set boundaries right off the bat as soon as you establish new relationships. Limit yourself as to what you will and will not be a party to. Know and maintain your personal standards and let them be a constant in your life. Stand up for what is right and those you love, so that you can sleep well at night knowing you have done your part and everything within your power to help alleviate or correct certain situations. Support your friends and family. Do your best and leave the rest to God. Ask for clarity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change that which you can, and wisdom to know the difference and act accordingly. According to one of my all-time favourite tunes by artist Kenny Rogers, You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run.So yes! Know when to walk away. You will get better at it with experience.

a person wearing cutout jeans and white tank top laying in a hammock on a porch

In conclusion
Don't rush through life, or go about looking worried as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Jesus already finished that job. Smile and take it easy. Relax and help others around you to relax as well. In addition, don't compare and despair, and most importantly, do not worry about people copying you or being jealous of you. Consider yourself a role model and someone others look up to and aspire to be, but don't let it get to your head, just to your heart. Enjoy life confidently and go boldly in the direction of your dreams, and people will respect you and be drawn to you. Remember, too, that it does not matter how great or awesome you are, not everyone is going to like you. As long as you are aware of that, nothing will shake you. Get involved, try new things, relax, breathe, simplify things, help others, count your blessings, respect yourself, don't worry, dance, eat and be content! 

Happiness is a mental perspective! 

a person in a white dress standing on a deck looking out to the ocean

Be Blessed... Be Bold... Be Strong... Be You!

Photos were taken on vacation in Roatan, Honduras.


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