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Showing posts from April, 2013

What is Everything?

Some people say perception is everything —but let 's just toy with that idea for just a minute. Trying to pretend or believe that perception does not matter may help you feel better about yourself, but it sure won’t change the way others perceive you, nor their actions towards you as a result. So sure, perception is a big deal, but it is certainly not everything.  Not even the truth is everything. So then, if perception is not everything and the truth is not everything? What is everything?? Nothing.  Nothing is everything; to tell the truth. Ironic, eh?! Let’s test this theory….Pff!! Nothing?! What a load of crap? What’s that…? Nothing. Alright, you got me, explain... Here we go: Nothing is everything because everything is nothing.  What the what? Let’s break it down a bit here:   The air, the universe, the clouds, --God! Human? Are all nothing. I bet most of you are ready to throw stones at me now…what are you talking a...


Personally, I take offence to the term "Negative Attitude and/or People." A lot of people love to throw terms and labels around that they themselves don't even understand or get.  We can not go around arbitrarily labelling others with negative terms.  Words are powerful.  We must be mindful of the effects they have on others and the consequences.  Pff! "Negative attitude" and "negative people"... who are we to judge?  Don't they realize that by calling someone negative, they are guilty of negativity ? Labelling someone else with such "negative" terms makes you that which you have labelled or accused the person of?