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Showing posts from March, 2013

Relaxation Technique to Help Manage Stress, Anxiety and Anger

Feeling off-centred and knocked off your feet?  Meditation can draw you closer to God and help to grow you spiritually. Just the act of being still and sitting in solitude can literally change your life.  As you sit and meditate, bring your attention and awareness to your breathing, your mantra or your mental picture.


Seven Simple Rules and the Four Key Players Success is the monopoly of life. Why you may ask? Because life is a virtual game. If you know and understand the rules and have key players on your side, you will succeed. That is, if you want it bad enough. In the Game Of Life there are seven simple and easy to follow rules and without further ado, here they are:

When a New Boss is Assigned a Dysfunctional Team: 5 Building Blocks of a Successful Leader

Dysfunctional :   Not operating normally;  Bad or poor social behaviour or judgment Team :   A group of people linked together for a common goal or purpose Now that we understand the meaning of these two crucial words, let's move on. Collaborating in a team can be daunting and frustrating,  to say the least, yet it is something we all must do and is virtually inescapable. Let's face it, everything we do is comprised of some sort of teamwork or the other: