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Showing posts from February, 2013

The Single Mother

niklsn She is the strongest woman I know. She walks the unaccompanied path. She has her own back. She asks no favors.  Not an ounce of independence does she lack. She has moments where she feels as though no one sees her. She feels them stare, but do they really see her? She gets whistles when she walks down the street, yet she goes to bed alone

40 Tips To Help You Live a Longer Healthier Life

A lot of people say life is short—but to me, life is really long! It's just that a lot of people are careless with it. So, here I have come up with 40 tips on how to enjoy the longevity and have a more prosperous and healthier YOU! “I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”  — William Allen White, on his 70th birthday