When It comes to achieving ones goal, your mind can be the single most powerful thing—it can either be our greatest assets or our greatest defeat—our best friend or our worst enemy. There are a numerous mind traps that can get in the way of our goals. Mind traps can hinder our best efforts leaving us to feel like a failure. If we are not vigilant and are aware of the signs of "when to hold and when to fold", they can de-rail every single effort we make and throw us completely off track. STRESS is one of the greatest mind traps present in our everyday life. It is the biggest downer---it will close us up and zap our entire energy. For anyone trying to succeed at anything, if they don't learn to recognize and put stress at bay, it can upheaval their entire plan. It can put everything they work for at risk. Stress is paralyzing and can get in the way of your rational thinking, causing one to over-re-act in the guise...