Blog post title: 4 Benefits of Strategic Networking - Credit: author "Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better." — Jim Rohn There are many benefits to networking. Whether you live abroad or you live in Canada; or whether you are looking for a job, or to start or grow your own business, or just looking to broaden your perspective, the benefits are the same across the board. But today I will share just five with you. They are: connection, collaboration and confidence; opportunities; mentorship; savings; and influence and impact. Connection, Collaboration, Confidence (C³) Considering your starting point or biggest hurdle is that you don't know enough people, the first benefit is that you are able to connect and collaborate with people from all over the globe—near and far. This leads to broader perspective and base. In doing so, you automatically boost your confidence. Professional networking forces you to talk to people you wouldn't normally...
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