7 Ways To Free Yourself From The Curse of Debt A lot of people struggle with money—how to make it, where to find and how to keep more of it in your wallet. For a lot of you, money is tricky—h ere today, gone tomorrow. But where it goes, only a few really knows. So here are 7 principles of financial freedom that will help you manage your money like magic; so that you can feel blessed instead of stressed. 1. Give back to help others prosper. Hands holding money: Give back This is a principle that was instituted from the days of old. It means to give to others with a cheerfully and voluntarily heart, a portion (biblically, a tenth) of what you earn, without any form of expectations. Your blessing is in direct proportion to your selfless giving or service. According to social psychologists, the Law of Reciprocity , says that when you do something nice for someone, he/she will have a deep-rooted and psychological urge to do back something nice for you....
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