The keys to better interpersonal relationship: a group of young people harmoniously working on a laptop, aggiestrong logo I think it is safe to say that we all want to experience great relationships—that's a given, right?... Be it at work, at school, at home, in the bedroom, or in the social arenas of life. This is something we all crave—better relationships on any level to a greater or lesser degree. Understanding of Humanity Having great relationships is the essence of our happiness and humanity. Why? Because we were not created to be alone. From the beginning of time, God saw and said that it was not good for man to be alone so He made a helpmate for him. Why then do we have so much trouble getting along with each other? Why do we toy with each other’s feelings and emotions? Is it because we lack the understanding that, despite the fact, we are all humans, we are vastly different? That we don't think the same way. That we act and react to different ...
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