Wondering how to get what you want? The difference between those who win and those who don't is that those who win will do what it takes to win, and the rest refuse to do the same. Let's face it: the only thing stopping you from getting what you want is you. You say you want something – you want it so bad you can taste it…you daydream about it, you plan, you talk, you read, you write about it. Yet when the opportunity presents itself, you fail to seize it. You let yourself stand in the way of you and your goal—your golden opportunity. Time and time again, you trip and stumble over yourself. You have to stop letting your inhibitions rob you of the things you want. You may have to sacrifice your rules and your standards: they could be your worst enemies in terms of getting to where and what you want most in life. If you want it bad enough, you have to seize it when the opportunity arises. But will it be worth it in the end? T...
Getting You Through Any Life Situation, Empowering Your Growth.