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AggieStrong blog post title: Young woman sitting in lotus position with piggybank, laptop, etc Cr: Armia |
We all know by now that meditation is a powerful tool for releasing stress, anxiety, anger and pain. It's all mind over matter, isn't it? The good old law of attraction--what you focus on you get more of. But today, I want to share with you how to use meditation to control your spending habits and create a meaningful spending plan that reflects your values and is in alignment with your long-term financial goals.
What Is Meditation?
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Google image: People meditating/praying in prostrate position |
For those of you who are not too familiar with this process, meditation is a tool people use to bring more awareness and clarity into their daily lives. In essence, what you are basically doing is sitting in sacred silence for however many minutes you want; and actively think and visualize about the things you wish to manifest in your life.
At some point during the exercise, you may introduce a chant or a mantra, or a prayer to call what you are meditating on into fruition. You may also choose to use props such as burning candles (passion), or other representation of your earnest desire--in this case, your wallet or checkbook (controlled spending or increased wealth).
By doing so, you call our attention to the things that matter most to you; such as financial freedom, inner peace, well-being and safety and security.
Demystifying The Meditation Myth For Christian Readers
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Google image: Young man sitting on a rock reading the Bible |
As Christians, we often have conflicting thoughts about meditation or struggle with the concept of meditation. We fear vexing God. But meditation doesn't have to be in the Eastern transcendental tradition. Not that there is anything wrong with their way of doing it. It's just hard for some to grasp the trance-like concept and the emptying of the mind idea; which by the way, could be our greatest blessing blocker.
Personally, I have tried eastern meditation many times, but it is just too foreign for me at times. But we just never know until we know. More often than not, we need to get out of our comfort zone to experience real blessings. Mind you, "faith without work is dead."
Christian meditation, as we know it, is more contemplative than transcending. But not really, because we do transcend when we seek the Holy Spirit. Only we call it fasting or "tarrying". Anyhow, there have been numerous occasions when Jesus prayed and meditated to achieve God's will. Psalm 19:14 says, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord. Meditation is a powerful tool when you can coincide it with the words of God to achieve your dreams.
In Mark 1:35, it says: “Early in the morning when it was still dark, Jesus got up and slipped out to an isolated place to pray.” Luke tells us in chapter 6:12-13, When Jesus had a very important decision to make, He went up to the mountain and prayed and meditated all night for clarity. By daybreak, He had a clear answer and returned to his disciples and chose His 12 apostles. Jesus also demonstrated this intent and purposeful thinking when immediately after his baptism, He went into the wilderness and tarried for forty days and nights to call in the Holy Spirit and to be one with God.
For us Christians, prayer and meditation go hand in hand. It is our most powerful tool against the enemy. Psalm 1:2, tells us, In the law of the Lord, you must meditate day and night. And it says, in Joshua 1:8, Keep the words of God in your mouth always and meditate on it day and night. Finally, in Genesis 24:63, it says that Isaac also went to meditate in the fields.
These are all clear indication that Christians should not fear mediation, but embrace it as a powerful tool to get what we want. It's time we start putting our worrying to good use and let it transform our lives; because meditation is the reverse of worrying. When you worry you focus on the things you don't want; when you meditate you focus on the things you do want.
Mind On My Money, Money On My Mind
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Google image: Black woman thinking |
Who said that? He or she should have gotten an award for that saying. But I digress. Since meditation is such a powerful tool as we have just read, why shouldn't we use it in other practical areas of our lives? Like managing our money?
It is evident that becoming more aware or mindful of our relationship with money can save us a lot of stress and hardship in the long run. Bringing your focused attention to what you want is, therefore, a great place to start. Doing so will not only help you to make more conscious choices but also help you stay accountable to your immediate money goals and financial future.
This way you don't have to ask yourself: So, where did all my money go? You will know for sure.
Meaningful Money Mantras:
Here are seven scriptures to memorize and repeat, or read and meditate on, when you find yourself stressing over money or lack thereof. They will help you bring your attention back to what you really want and an abundant mindset. Stop stressing and start receiving your blessings!- The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want. -Psalm 23:1
- My God will give me the ability to produce wealth and all that I desire. -Deut 8:18
- My God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. -Phil 4:19
- I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a bright future. -Jeremiah 29:11
- My life is Blessed with so much Abundance, Prosperity, and Success. -2 Cor 9:8
- I have more than enough for my household and plenty to spare. -Proverbs 27:27
- For the Lord my God will bless me just as He promised me; I shall lend to many, but I shall not borrow; I shall reign over many, but they shall not reign over me. -Deut 15:6
To Meditate or To Pray
"They who acknowledge God in all their ways will find him present to direct their paths, and make their way prosperous; and when the prayer of faith meets with an immediate answer, the glory ought as speedily to be rendered to God in solemn praise and thanksgiving."

Be blessed. Be Bold. Be Strong. Be you!
Andrene Gregory is a life coach at Aggie Strong Ultimate Life Coaching Services. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn for more tidbits of information and learn more about her.
She provides one-to-one coaching and group workshops to adults seeking to improve their life skills, lifestyle and leadership capabilities for greater confidence and work-life balance.
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